GuiLite - 是用C/C++编写的成超轻量 UI 框架

网友投稿 1497 2022-10-28

GuiLite - 是用C/C++编写的成超轻量 UI 框架

GuiLite - 是用C/C++编写的成超轻量 UI 框架

Build wonderful GUI with a few lines of code


GuiLite samples contain 19 cross-platform projects. They all based on GuiLite. They could show you how to use GuiLite's interface, and how GuiLite works on iOS, Android, GNU/Linux, Windows and macOS platform.GuiLite samples could pass compiling in 100%, could run on all kinds of PC, phones, MCU and embedded(IoT) devices.Suppoort IDE: Visual Studio, Qt Creator, KeilGuiLite Samples could run on web page, and make 3D feature with WebGL, visit GuiLiteWeb to get more detailsGuiLite samples could run in Docker container with single command below: sudo docker run -it --privileged -v /dev:/dev-share idea4good/gui-lite:latest bash /

MCU demos:

MCU Hardware: STM32F103ZET6(512K ROM, 64K RAM) + 240 * 320 16bits color TFT LCDMCU Software: No OS, Only GuiLiteHow to porting for any MCU?Also support: Windows / Linux / Qt

Hello Transparent

Hello Transparent has only 300+ lines code for transparent widgets. You can run it on Windows, Linux and Qt.

Hello Scroll

Hello Scroll has only 300+ lines code for scroll widgets. You can run it on Windows, Linux and Qt.

Hello Nets

Hello Nets has only 100+ lines code for beginner, showing you how to build 3D physics APP with GuiLite. You can run it on Windows, Linux and MCU.

Hello Widgets

Hello Widgets has only 100+ lines code for beginner, showing you how to develop GUI with GuiLite widgets. You can run it on Windows and Linux.

Hello Animation

Hello Animation has only 100+ lines code for beginner, showing you how to making animation. You can run it on Windows and Linux.

Hello Slide

Hello Slide has only 100+ lines code. It shows beginner how to make sliding UI. You can run it on Windows and Linux.

Hello Font

Hello Font has only 100+ lines code .It shows beginner how to use multi-language feature(UTF-8). You can run it on Windows and Linux.

Hello GuiLite

Hello GuiLite has only 100+ lines code. It shows beginner how to initialize GuiLite, layout UI widgets, and map messages. You can run it on Windows and Linux.

Host Monitor

On Mac & iOS:

On Android & ARM Linux embedded:

On Windows Mixed Reality:

Host Monitor has 2,000 lines of code related to UI, showing you how to make UI layout , and customize/extend your UI widgets.

Code Description

HostMonitor\UICode\source\ui_layout: UI LayoutHostMonitor\UICode\source\ui_ctrl_ex: Customize your widgets

Cross platform

HostMonitor\BuildAndroid: Java code, for AndroidHostMonitor\BuildIOS: Swift code, for iOSHostMonitor\BuildLinux: C code, for LinuxHostMonitor\BuildWin32: C code, for WindowsHostMonitor\BuildUWP: CX code, for UWP(include Mixed/Virtual Reality)HostMonitor\BuildMacCmd: Swift code, for Mac command modeHostMonitor\BuildMacCocoa: Swift code, for Mac APP with UIHostMonitor\BuildGo: Golang + C++, for Linux

Build "host monitor"

UART on Android phone

Download Android APP


Looks complex? Trust me that you can do everything we did because we are the same.

Dare to build itDare to make your own modificationDare to create your UI framework

Repository Mirror

Gitee in China


Thanks the help from QQ group, you guys make GuiLite better! And welcome to join us.

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下一篇:Android-skin-support: 一款用心去做的Android 换肤框架

