Hobbit - 构建在Rack之上的一个简约微框架

网友投稿 872 2022-10-28

Hobbit - 构建在Rack之上的一个简约微框架

Hobbit - 构建在Rack之上的一个简约微框架

A minimalistic microframework built on top of Rack.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'hobbit'# or this if you want to use hobbit master# gem 'hobbit', github: 'patriciomacadden/hobbit'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install hobbit


DSL inspired by Sinatra.Speed.Extensible with standard ruby classes and modules, with no extra logic. See hobbit-contrib.Zero configuration.


Don't repeat yourselfEncourages the understanding and use of Rack and its extensions instead of providing such functionality.


Hobbit applications are just instances of classes that inherits from Hobbit::Base, which complies the Rack SPEC.

Hello World example

Create a file called app.rb:

require 'hobbit'class App < Hobbit::Base get '/' do 'Hello World!' endend

Create a config.ru file:

require './app'run App.new # or just `run App`

Run it with rackup:

$ rackup

View your app at http://localhost:9292.


Every route is composed of a verb, a path (optional) and a block. When an incoming request matches a route, the block is executed and a response is sent back to the client. The return value of the block will be the body of the response. The headers and status code of the response will be calculated by Hobbit::Response, but you could modify it anyway you want it.

See an example:

class App < Hobbit::Base get '/' do # ... end post '/' do # ... end put '/' do # ... end patch '/' do # ... end delete '/' do # ... end options '/' do # ... endend

When a route gets called you have this methods available:

env: The Rack environment.request: a Hobbit::Request instance.response: a Hobbit::Response instance.

And any other method defined in your application.

Available methods


Note: Since most browsers don't support methods other than GET and POST you must use the Rack::MethodOverride middleware. (See Rack::MethodOverride).

Routes with parameters

Besides the standard GET and POST parameters, you can have routes with parameters:

require 'hobbit'class App < Hobbit::Base # matches both /hi/hobbit and /hi/patricio get '/hi/:name' do # request.params is filled with the route paramters, like this: "Hello #{request.params[:name]}" endend


If you look at Hobbit implementation, you may notice that there is no redirect method (or similar). This is because such functionality is provided by Rack::Response and for now we don't wan't to repeat ourselves (obviously you can create an extension!). So, if you want to redirect to another route, do it like this:

require 'hobbit'class App < Hobbit::Base get '/' do response.redirect '/hi' end get '/hi' do 'Hello World!' endend


To immediately stop a request within route you can use halt.

require 'hobbit'class App < Hobbit::Base use Rack::Session::Cookie, secret: SecureRandom.hex(64) def session env['rack.session'] end get '/' do response.status = 401 halt response.finish endend

Built on top of rack

Each Hobbit application is a Rack stack (See this blog post for more information).

Mapping applications

You can mount any Rack application to the stack by using the map class method:

require 'hobbit'class InnerApp < Hobbit::Base # gets called when path_info = '/inner' get do 'Hello InnerApp!' endendclass App < Hobbit::Base map('/inner') { run InnerApp.new } get '/' do 'Hello App!' endend

Using middleware

You can add any Rack middleware to the stack by using the use class method:

require 'hobbit'class App < Hobbit::Base use Rack::Session::Cookie, secret: SecureRandom.hex(64) use Rack::ShowExceptions def session env['rack.session'] end get '/' do session[:name] = 'hobbit' end # more routes...endrun App.new


By default, Hobbit (nor Rack) comes without any protection against web attacks. The use of rack-protection is highly recommended:

require 'hobbit'require 'rack/protection'require 'securerandom'class App < Hobbit::Base use Rack::Session::Cookie, secret: SecureRandom.hex(64) use Rack::Protection get '/' do 'Hello World!' endend

See the rack-protection documentation for futher information.


rack-test is highly recommended. See an example:

In app.rb:

require 'hobbit'class App < Hobbit::Base get '/' do 'Hello World!' endend

In app_spec.rb:

require 'minitest/autorun'# imagine that app.rb and app_spec.rb are stored in the same directoryrequire 'app'describe App do include Rack::Test::Methods def app App.new end describe 'GET /' do it 'must be ok' do get '/' last_response.must_be :ok? last_response.body.must_match /Hello World!/ end endend

See the rack-test documentation for futher information.


You can extend Hobbit by creating standard ruby modules. See an example:

module MyExtension def do_something # do something endendclass App < Hobbit::Base include MyExtension get '/' do do_something 'Hello World!' endend


hobbit-contrib is a ruby gem that comes with a lot of hobbit extensions, such as:

Hobbit::Render: provides basic template rendering.Hobbit::Session: provides helper methods for handling user sessions.Hobbit::Environment: provides helper methods for handling application environments.Hobbit::Filter: provides helper class methods for handling Sinatra-like filters.Hobbit::ErrorHandling: provides helper class methods for handling Sinatra-like error handling.

... And many more!


Wiki: Guides, how-tos and recipesIRC: #hobbitrb on http://freenode-


Building web applications in Ruby, by Krzysztof Wawer (english, polish)


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See the LICENSE.

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上一篇:小程序如何导出 App?小程序导出 App功能优化

