Go Sync 是一个分布式系统的同步框架

网友投稿 623 2022-10-28

Go Sync 是一个分布式系统的同步框架

Go Sync 是一个分布式系统的同步框架

Go Sync is a synchronization framework for distributed systems.


Distributed systems by their very nature are decoupled and independent. In most cases they must honour 2 out of 3 letters of the CAP theorem e.g Availability and Partitional tolerance but sacrificing consistency. In the case of microservices we often offload this concern to an external database or eventing system. Go Sync provides a framework for synchronization which can be used in the application by the developer.

Getting Started

Data - simple distributed data storageLeader - leadership election for group coordinationLock - distributed locking for exclusive resource accessTask - distributed job executionTime - provides synchronized time


The Lock interface provides distributed locking. Multiple instances attempting to lock the same id will block until available.

import "github.com/micro/go-sync/lock/consul"lock := consul.NewLock()// acquire lockerr := lock.Acquire("id")// handle err// release lockerr = lock.Release("id")// handle err


Leader provides leadership election. Useful where one node needs to coordinate some action.

import ( "github.com/micro/go-sync/leader" "github.com/micro/go-sync/leader/consul")l := consul.NewLeader( leader.Group("name"),)// elect leadere, err := l.Elect("id")// handle err// operate while leaderrevoked := e.Revoked()for { select { case <-revoked: // re-elect e.Elect("id") default: // leader operation }}// resign leadershipe.Resign()


Data provides a simple interface for distributed data storage.

import ( "github.com/micro/go-sync/data" "github.com/micro/go-sync/data/consul")keyval := consul.NewData()err := keyval.Write(&data.Record{ Key: "foo", Value: []byte(`bar`),})// handle errv, err := keyval.Read("foo")// handle errerr = keyval.Delete("foo")


Task provides distributed job execution. It's a simple way to distribute work across a coordinated pool of workers.

import ( "github.com/micro/go-sync/task" "github.com/micro/go-sync/task/local")t := local.NewTask( task.WithPool(10),)err := t.Run(task.Command{ Name: "atask", Func: func() error { // exec some work return nil },})if err != nil { // do something}


Time provides synchronized time. Local machines may have clock skew and time cannot be guaranteed to be the same everywhere. Synchronized Time allows you to decide how time is defined for your applications.

import ( "github.com/micro/go-sync/time/ntp")t := ntp.NewTime()time, err := t.Now()


Event package - strongly consistent event stream e.g kafka

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上一篇:全面解析JPA 仓库repository中的findAll()方法

