Aiolos是一个受floating面板启发的Swift UI框架

网友投稿 820 2022-10-28

Aiolos是一个受floating面板启发的Swift UI框架

Aiolos是一个受floating面板启发的Swift UI框架


Yet another iOS Floating Panel

Aiolos, ancient greek for quick-moving/nimble, is a Swift UI framework inspired by the floating panel, that was introduced to Maps app in iOS 11. Give it a try in MindNode 5 for iOS (free trial available).

It is fully gesture-driven, takes safe area insets into account, has support for right-to-left languages baked in and automatically reacts to the on-screen keyboard. Compared to many other open source panel solutions, Aiolos is designed to be an always-visible child view controller, and therefore does not use the custom view controller transition API of iOS.

Integration with Carthage

Add this line to your Cartfile.

github "IdeasOnCanvas/Aiolos"

Usage in Code

There's a demo app, that demonstrates how the Panel can be set up with a different configuration for iPhones and iPads.

func makePanel(with contentViewController: UIViewController) -> Panel { // create Panel with default configuration let configuration = Panel.Configuration.default let panelController = Panel(configuration: configuration) // specify, which ViewController is displayed in the panel panelController.contentViewController = contentViewController // setup delegates that handle size configuration and animation callbacks panelController.sizeDelegate = self panelController.animationDelegate = self // change the configuration to fit you needs panelController.configuration.position = self.panelPosition(for: self.traitCollection) panelController.configuration.margins = self.panelMargins(for: self.traitCollection) panelController.configuration.appearance.separatorColor = .white // we want a different look/behaviour on iPhone compared to iPad if self.traitCollection.userInterfaceIdiom == .pad { panelController.configuration.appearance.maskedCorners = [.layerMinXMinYCorner, .layerMaxXMinYCorner, .layerMinXMaxYCorner, .layerMaxXMaxYCorner] } else { panelController.configuration.supportedModes = [.minimal, .compact, .expanded, .fullHeight] panelController.configuration.appearance.maskedCorners = [.layerMinXMinYCorner, .layerMaxXMinYCorner] } return panelController}

Configuring the size

extension ViewController: PanelSizeDelegate { func panel(_ panel: Panel, sizeForMode mode: Panel.Configuration.Mode) -> CGSize { let width = self.panelWidth(for: self.traitCollection, position: panel.configuration.position) switch mode { case .minimal: return CGSize(width: width, height: 0.0) case .compact: return CGSize(width: width, height: 64.0) case .expanded: let height: CGFloat = self.traitCollection.userInterfaceIdiom == .phone ? 270.0 : 320.0 return CGSize(width: width, height: height) case .fullHeight: return CGSize(width: width, height: 0.0) } }}

Reacting to Panel animations

extension ViewController: PanelAnimationDelegate { func panel(_ panel: Panel, willTransitionTo size: CGSize) { print("Panel will transition to size \(size)") } func panel(_ panel: Panel, willTransitionFrom oldMode: Panel.Configuration.Mode?, to newMode: Panel.Configuration.Mode, with coordinator: PanelTransitionCoordinator) { print("Panel will transition from \(oldMode) to \(newMode)") // we can animate things along the way coordinator.animateAlongsideTransition({ print("Animating alongside of panel transition") }, completion: { animationPosition in print("Completed panel transition to \(newMode)") }) }}


Aiolos is brought to you by IdeasOnCanvas GmbH, the creator of MindNode for iOS, macOS & watchOS

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