OmniGUI 一个从头实现的跨平台的GUI框架

网友投稿 624 2022-10-28

OmniGUI 一个从头实现的跨平台的GUI框架

OmniGUI 一个从头实现的跨平台的GUI框架

A cross-platform GUI framework from scratch just to learn.... that is already AWESOME!

Xamarin Forms is OK, but has too many limitations

What about having a Presentation Framework that:

Loads the UI from the same XAML for every platform?It looks exactly the same in every platform?

OmniGUI is the answer

Some facts

You can use OmniGUI inside you Xamarin Forms/Native project because OmniGUI renders inside a view, like any other control :)OmniGUI's XAML looks similar to WPF/UWP/SilverlightUses Reactive Programming. Be Reactive, my friend.MVVM-ready. The controls in each platform have BindingContext (DataContext) to attach to your ViewModels and use BindingsIt currently runs on Windows DesktopAndroidiOSUniversal Windows PlatformLinuxmore platforms with a few touches :)

Running on UWP

Running on iOS

Running on Android

Running on Windows Desktop

Running on Linux (Ubuntu)

How it works?

If you want to know more, just ping me in Twitter at @SuperJMN.

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