garage 一个可复现的强化学习研究框架

网友投稿 1023 2022-10-28

garage 一个可复现的强化学习研究框架

garage 一个可复现的强化学习研究框架


garage is a toolkit for developing and evaluating reinforcement learning algorithms, and an accompanying library of state-of-the-art implementations built using that toolkit.

The toolkit provides wide range of modular tools for implementing RL algorithms, including:

Composable neural network modelsReplay buffersHigh-performance samplersAn expressive experiment definition interfaceTools for reproducibility (e.g. set a global random seed which all components respect)Logging to many outputs, including TensorBoardReliable experiment checkpointing and resumingEnvironment interfaces for many popular benchmark suitesSupporting for running garage in diverse environments, including always up-to-date Docker containers

See the latest documentation for getting started instructions and detailed APIs.


pip install garage


The table below summarizes the algorithms available in garage.

REINFORCE (a.k.a. VPG)PyTorch, TensorFlow
DDPGPyTorch, TensorFlow
PPOPyTorch, TensorFlow
TRPOPyTorch, TensorFlow
MTPPOPyTorch, TensorFlow
MTTRPOPyTorch, TensorFlow

Supported Tools and Frameworks

garage supports Python 3.5+

The package is tested on Ubuntu 18.04. It is also known to run on recent versions of macOS, using Homebrew to install some dependencies. Windows users can install garage via WSL, or by making use of the Docker containers.

We currently support PyTorch and TensorFlow for implementing the neural network portions of RL algorithms, and additions of new framework support are always welcome. PyTorch modules can be found in the package garage.torch and TensorFlow modules can be found in the package Algorithms which do not require neural networks are found in the package

The package is available for download on PyPI, and we ensure that it installs successfully into environments defined using conda, Pipenv, and virtualenv.

All components use the popular gym.Env interface for RL environments.


The most important feature of garage is its comprehensive automated unit test and benchmarking suite, which helps ensure that the algorithms and modules in garage maintain state-of-the-art performance as the software changes.

Our testing strategy has three pillars:

Automation: We use continuous integration to test all modules and algorithms in garage before adding any change. The full installation and test suite is also run nightly, to detect regressions.Acceptance Testing: Any commit which might change the performance of an algorithm is subjected to comprehensive benchmarks on the relevant algorithms before it is mergedBenchmarks and Monitoring: We benchmark the full suite of algorithms against their relevant benchmarks and widely-used implementations regularly, to detect regressions and improvements we may have missed.

Supported Releases

Garage releases a new stable version approximately every 4 months, in February, June, and October. Maintenance releases have a stable API and dependency tree, and receive bug fixes and critical improvements but not new features. We currently support each release for a window of 8 months.

Citing garage

If you use garage for academic research, please cite the repository using the following BibTeX entry. You should update the commit field with the commit or release tag your publication uses.

@misc{garage, author = {The garage contributors}, title = {Garage: A toolkit for reproducible reinforcement learning research}, year = {2019}, publisher = {GitHub}, journal = {GitHub repository}, howpublished = {\url{}}, commit = {be070842071f736eb24f28e4b902a9f144f5c97b}}


The original code for garage was adopted from predecessor project called rllab. The garage project is grateful for the contributions of the original rllab authors, and hopes to continue advancing the state of reproducibility in RL research in the same spirit.

rllab was developed by Rocky Duan (UC Berkeley/OpenAI), Peter Chen (UC Berkeley), Rein Houthooft (UC Berkeley/OpenAI), John Schulman (UC Berkeley/OpenAI), and Pieter Abbeel (UC Berkeley/OpenAI).

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下一篇:Deep500: 深度学习元框架和HPC基准测试库

