Graph Convolutional Neural Networks (GCNN) models
This repository contains a tensorflow implementation of GCNN models for node classification, link predicition and joint node classification and link prediction to supplement the survey paper by Chami et al.
NOTE: This is not an officially supported Google product.
Code organization
train.py: trains a model with FLAGS parameters. train --helpshort for more information. . launch.py: trains several model with varied combinations of parameters. Specify parameters in launch.py file. launch --helpshort for more information. best_model.py: Parse the logs for multiple training with launch.py and finds best model parameters based on validation accuracy. best_model --helpshort for more information. models/ base_models.py: base model functionnalities (data utils, loss function, metrics etc) node_models.py: forward pass implementation of node classification models (including Gat, Gcn, Mlp and SemiEmb) edge_models.py: forward pass implementation of link prediction models (including Gae and Vgae) node_edge_models.py: forward pass implementation of joint node classification and link prediction utils/ model_utils.py: layers implementation. link_prediction_utils.py: implementation of some link prediction heuristics such as common neighbours or adamic adar data_utils.py: data processing utils functions train_utils.py train utils functions data/: contains data files for citation data (cora, citeseer, pubmed) and PPI
Code usage
Install required libraries. Set environment variables GCNN_HOME=$(pwd) export PATH="$GCNN_HOME:$PATH" Put datasets the data folder. Train GAT on cora with default parameters
SAVE_DIRECTORY="/tmp/models/cora/Gat" python train.py --save_dir=$SAVE_DIRECTORY --dataset=cora --model_name=Gat
Check results
This model should give approximately 83% test accuracy.
Launch multiple experiments
To launch multiple experiments for hyper-parameter search use the launch.py script. Update the parameters to search over in the launch.py file. For instance to train Gcn on cora with multiple parameters:
python launch.py --launch_save_dir=$LAUNCH_DIR --launch_model_name=Gcn --launch_dataset=cora --launch_n_runs=3
This will create subdirectories $LAUNCH_DIR/dataset_name/prop_edges_removed where the log files will be saved.
Retrieve best model parameters
python best_model.py --dir=$LAUNCH_DIR --models=Gcn --target=node_acc --datasets=cora
This will create a best_params file in $LAUNCH_DIR with the best parameters for each (dataset-model-proportion_edges_dropped) combination based on validation metrics.
cat $LAUNCH_DIR/best_params
More examples
Reproduce Gat results on cora (83.5% average test accuracy):
python train.py --model_name=Gat --lr=0.005 --node_l2_reg=0.0005 --dataset=cora --p_drop_node=0.6 --n_att_node=8,1 --n_hidden_node=8 --save_dir=/tmp/models/cora/gat --epochs=10000 --patience=100 --normalize_adj=False --sparse_features=True
Reproduce Gcn results on cora (81.5% average test accuracy):
python train.py --model_name=Gcn --epochs=200 --patience=10 --lr=0.01 --node_l2_reg=0.0005 --dataset=cora --p_drop_node=0.5 --n_hidden_node=16 --save_dir=/tmp/models/cora/gcn --normalize_adj=True --sparse_features=True
Better Gcn results on cora (83.1% average test accuracy):
python train.py --model_name=Gcn --epochs=10000 --patience=100 --lr=0.005 --node_l2_reg=0.0005 --dataset=cora --p_drop_node=0.6 --input_dim=1433 --n_hidden_node=128 --save_dir=/tmp/models/cora/gcn_best --normalize_adj=True --sparse_features=True
Train Gae on Cora with 10% of edges removed
python train.py --model_name=Gae --epochs=10000 --patience=50 --lr=0.005 --p_drop_edge=0. --n_hidden_edge=256-128 --save_dir=/tmp/models/cora/Gae --edge_l2_reg=0 --att_mechanism=dot --normalize_adj=True --edge_loss=w_sigmoid_ce --dataset=cora --sparse_features=True --drop_edge_prop=10
Implementing a new model
To add a new model:
Create a model class inheriting from one of the base class (NodeModel, EdgeModel or NodeEdgeModel) and implement the inference step in the correspoding file (node_models.py, edge_models.py or node_edge_models.py) Add the model name to the list of models in train.py
Adding another dataset
To add another dataset:
Write a load_${dataset_str}_data() function and add it to the load_data(dataset_str, data_path) function. the dataset_str will be the FLAG for this dataset. Save the data files in the data/ folder.
GAT original code
GCN original code
GAE original code
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