Documentation - Rails引擎提供文档添加到Rails应用程序的功能

网友投稿 728 2022-10-28

Documentation - Rails引擎提供文档添加到Rails应用程序的功能

Documentation - Rails引擎提供文档添加到Rails应用程序的功能


Documentation is a Rails engine which provides a complete system for managing a set of hierarchical documentation. Once installed in an application, you'll have a complete user interface for viewing as well as editing a set of markdown pages.


To get started, you need to add Documentation to your Gemfile and run bundle.

gem 'documentation', '~> 1.0.0'

Next, you'll need to run the setup generator which will add a route to your config/routes.rb file for the Documentation interface.

bundle exec rails generate documentation:setup

You now need to populate your database schema and load the initial documentation pages.

bundle exec rake db:migrate documentation:install_guides

Once this is done, you can go ahead and start up your Rails application and browse to /docs to view your documentation system.

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