
网友投稿 691 2022-10-28



DMake v0.1

DMake is a tool to manage micro-service based applications. It allows to easily build, run, test and deploy an entire application or one of its micro-services.

Table of content:

InstallationTutorialUsing DMake with JenkinsDocumentation


In order to run DMake, you will need:

Python 2.7 or 3.5+Docker 1.12 or newer

In order to install DMake, use the following:

git clone dmake./

After following the instructions, check that DMake is found by running:

dmake --help

It should display the help message with the list of commands.


To start the tutorial, enter the tutorial directory:

cd tutorial

For those who just want to see the results, just run:

dmake run web

Once it has completed, the factorial demo is available at http://localhost:8000

Before moving to the details, do not forget to shutdown the launched containers with:

dmake stop

Alright ! To simulate an application made of several micro-services, this project is made of two services:

a Django app that shows a form where you enter a number 'n', in the web/ directory.a worker that computes factorial 'n', in the worker/ end-to-end test testing the web service, in the e2e/ directory.

DMake allows you to specify how your whole app should be tested and run by relying on dmake.yml files. DMake searches for the whole repository and parses all those files. In this project, there are 3: one in each of the sub-directories.

Let's start with the DMake configuration of the worker that computes the factorial by having a look at worker/dmake.yml.



The two first lines indicate the version of DMake that will parse the YAML file and the name of your app:

dmake_version: 0.1app_name: dmake-tutorial

The app_name is used to group the multiple services of an app together, allowing DMake to separately process several apps in the same repository.


We then declare the runtime environment variables:

env: default: variables: AMQP_URL: amqp://rabbitmq/dev

They will be injected into the containers at runtime, but can also be used in many dmake.yml values with bash syntaxe (e.g. key: ${FOO}-bar).

You define default environment variables (common plus usually values for development purposes) in default, and may also specify variables specific to a branch (in branches) (used when deploying our app), in which case the default value of the variable is overridden.


Then comes the specification of the Docker environment in which your app will run: the base image

docker: base_image: name: dmake-tutorial-worker-base root_image: ubuntu:16.04 install_scripts: - deploy/

The base image is a docker image that contains everything to build and run your service, except for the service code itself: it's the build and runtime dependencies.

Here we declare that our base image starts from Ubuntu 16.04 (the root_image), we name it dmake-tutorial-worker-base, and list the scripts that will build the base image starting from the root image: deploy/

This base image is cached so you don't have to rebuild it every time. Furthermore, it is globally cached: it can be pushed to the docker registry and all dmake users will try to pull it before building it. (This works by naming the base image tag with source-based hashes: we hash the root image and base image install_scripts: same sources will give same tag).


The next thing to declare are the "external" services that you will need: They are services needed by our app, but not built here. They are shared across the whole application (so no need to re-declare them in another dmake.yml file with the same app_name):

docker_links: - image_name: rabbitmq:3.6 link_name: rabbitmq probe_ports: - 5672/tcp env: RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_VHOST: dev RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_USER: user RABBITMQ_DEFAULT_PASS: password

This declares that we will use RabbitMQ 3.6 (Docker image rabbitmq:3.6) and that we will refer to it as the rabbitmq service. This service will be made available to your app by linking it to its Docker container. We customize the execution of this service with probe_ports (to wait for the service to be ready), and env to control RabbitMQ execution.


Now that the common parts have been defined, we can declare the services: Each service is a container with a name, a way to build it, its runtime service dependencies (other dmake or "external" services), how to test it, how to access it, etc.

services: - service_name: worker needed_links: - rabbitmq config: docker_image: build: context: . dockerfile: deploy/Dockerfile tests: commands: - ./bin/worker_test

Our worker service needs rabbitmq, and its config.docker_image declares how to build its image: it's the same sub-tree as for docker-compose (the Dockerfile allows you to use multi-stage builds for optimal image size and docker build cache re-use). Finally we declare how to test this service: the command ./bin/worker_test will be executed in the built service docker image.


Old services can be defined without a Dockerfile: a root build configuration is used instead: DMake will generate a Dockerfile for us. See web/dmake.yml (where there is zero build command...).


There are much more features in DMake (deployment on kubernetes, multiple variants of the base image, etc.. See the full Documentation.

dmake command-line interface

The command-line interface is based on this template: dmake

For most commands, can also be * to target all services.

dmake test

Now that we went through the configuration file, you can try to test the worker with:

dmake test worker

DMake will execute the worker tests in an enviroment where all its (runtime) dependencies are also launched. It will also recursively tests its dependencies before running them. You can use --standalone (or -s) to ignore the dependencies.

dmake shell

To interactively work on a service, dmake provides a shell access in the service container (running the base image), with the sources mounted into it:

dmake shell worker

There you can build an execute your service, and quickly iterate by editting the code from your favorite editor.

dmake run

You can now run the full app with:

dmake run web

It will start the web service with all its dependencies (RabbitMQ and the worker).

Once it has completed, the factorial demo is available at http://localhost:8000

By the way, when there are multiple application in the same repository and multiple services with the same name, you must specify the full service name like this:

dmake run dmake-tutorial/web

dmake build

To just build a service (or all services), without running them, use dmake build:

dmake build workerdmake build '*'

dmake release (experimental)

Create a github release from a manually previously created git tag. DMake will also generate a changelog.

Make sure you are on the branch you want to release and you are up to date, for example:

git checkout mastergit pull origin master

Set some dmake env variables to access github. Feel free to add them in your ~/.bashrc if you want them to be permanent:

export DMAKE_GITHUB_TOKEN=MyGithubAccessToken # DMAKE_GITHUB_OWNER=MyAccount # account or organization owning the repository

You can now create your release:

SEMVER_TAG=1.0.0 # put your release tag heregit tag ${SEMVER_TAG}git push origin ${SEMVER_TAG}dmake release -t ${SEMVER_TAG} myapp

Should output:

===============REPO : myappBUILD : 0BRANCH : masterCOMMIT_ID : 123b123===============Done ! Check it at:

Using GPUs

DMake supports services that need GPUs: Add need_gpu: true at the service config (or docker_link).

It will run the service container with docker run --runtime=nvidia, using NVIDIA docker 2.

By default it gives access to all GPUs available on the machine. You can restrict which GPU is used:

export DMAKE_GPU=2# ornvidia-smi -LGPU 0: GeForce GTX 1060 6GB (UUID: GPU-dfd9ebe0-1b0a-4cf9-a9c3-9edcd6a3449c)export DMAKE_GPU=GPU-dfd9ebe0-1b0a-4cf9-a9c3-9edcd6a3449c

Using DMake with Jenkins

DMake can generate a Jenkinsfile instead of a bash file, allowing to execute dmake in Jenkins, for continuous integration and deployment.


Configure Jenkins node:

export DMAKE_ON_BUILD_SERVER=1`export DMAKE_PATH=/dmakeexport DMAKE_JENKINS_FILE=$DMAKE_PATH/dmake/templates/jenkins/Jenkinsfileexport PATH=$PATH:$DMAKE_PATH/dmake:$DMAKE_PATH/dmake/utilsexport PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$DMAKE_PATH

Install dmake at ${DMAKE_PATH}Define a job using a Jenkinsfile commited in the git repositoryJenkinsfile content:

node { load "${DMAKE_JENKINS_FILE}"}

For example with github you can use github webhooks to setup continuous build, test, and deployment to kubernetes (with

Using GPUs with Jenkins

Exclusive access to GPUs on the Jenkins node is implemented with the Lockable Resources Plugin (>=2.2): Declare one resource per GPU, with the same label GPUS, and with GPU ID as name suffix (prefix: GPU_:

name: GPU_0, label: GPUSname: GPU_1, label: GPUS Or:name: GPU_GPU-dfd9ebe0-1b0a-4cf9-a9c3-9edcd6a3449c, label: GPUSname: GPU_GPU-9724ed88-599f-4212-80f6-d689849ad1e9, label: GPUS


See auto-generated format documentation and dmake.yml example.

See also dmake help for command-line interface.

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