Contest2257 - 抗击疫情,从我做起--大中小学生联合训练赛第五十二场

网友投稿 590 2022-10-28

Contest2257 - 抗击疫情,从我做起--大中小学生联合训练赛第五十二场

Contest2257 - 抗击疫情,从我做起--大中小学生联合训练赛第五十二场


​​问题 E: 喜爱​​​​问题 I: Mysterious Light​​

问题 E: 喜爱

题目描述小s最近对数字情有独钟。他又发现了一种神奇的数字。对于数x,如果它二进制表示中只有一位是0,则x就会被小s所喜爱。比如5,二进制为101,则它被小s所喜爱。 现在,小s想知道,对于一个区间[L,R],有多少数是他所喜爱的。输入输入包含多组数据。 输入第一行T,表示数据组数。 每组数组仅有一行,包含两个正整数[L,R]。输出对于每组数据输出一行,表示答案。样例输入 Copy2 5 10 2015 2015样例输出 Copy2 1提示对于30%的数据:L,R≤106,T≤10 对于60%的数据:L,R≤1010,T≤100 对于100%的数据:L,R≤1018,T≤10000

题意分析 就是要求出一个区间内二进制表示情况下只含一个0的个数;思路分析 :先说明一个最最最重要的: 左移右移无法让数字达到1e10以上就这个地方凉凉了好久;就下来是我的思路:1 :首先打表是必不可少的,要不你每次都要运行肯定不行;我是按2进制位数打的表这样我感觉简单点,(简单就是一下 怎么打的表:如果2进制有x位 会有x-1个可行的值,所以就可以了);2 :因为由于左右两个界限你可以先从右界限开始看:找到他二进制位数的下一位,(这样才会比这个数值大),用快速幂表示出来(我一开始用的左移,不行);然后让这个数-1,(目的是让其二进制位全部为1)这样只要分别减去2i判断与右端点的大小既可以了判断这个是否符合题意了;3:与2一样判断左界限,不过这时是大于等于左界限符合条件4:因为两端的已经求出来了,直接用我们打好的表来表示中间的那部分,即a[右端点二进制位]-a[左端点二进制位+1];这样就是所求,别忘了每次初始化呦。


#include #include #include #include#include#include#include #include typedef unsigned long long ll;using namespace std;const int maxn=210;#defineconst int mod=998244353;const int MOD=10007;ll n,m,k,sum,cnt;ll a[maxn],b[maxn],dp[maxn];char str[maxn],s[maxn];ll qpow(ll a,ll b){ ll ans=1; while(b) { if(b&1) { ans=(ans*a); } a=(a*a); b/=2; } return ans;} int main(){ ll t; cin>>t; a[0]=1; for(ll i=1;i<=200;i++) a[i]=a[i-1]+i-1;// for(ll i=1;i<=200;i++) cout<>n>>m; sum=0; for(int i=0;i<=200;i++) if(m=0;i--) { if(m>=(x-qpow(2,i))) { sum++; // cout<

问题 I: Mysterious Light

Snuke is conducting an optical experiment using mirrors and his new invention, the rifle of Mysterious Light.

Three mirrors of length N are set so that they form an equilateral triangle. Let the vertices of the triangle be a,b and c.

Inside the triangle, the rifle is placed at the point p on segment ab such that ap=X. (The size of the rifle is negligible.) Now, the rifle is about to fire a ray of Mysterious Light in the direction of bc.

The ray of Mysterious Light will travel in a straight line, and will be reflected by mirrors, in the same ways as “ordinary” light. There is one major difference, though: it will be also reflected by its own trajectory as if it is a mirror! When the ray comes back to the rifle, the ray will be absorbed.

The following image shows the ray’s trajectory where N=5 and X=2.

It can be shown that the ray eventually comes back to the rifle and is absorbed, regardless of the values of N and X. Find the total length of the ray’s trajectory.

Constraints 2≦N≦1012 1≦X≦N−1 N and X are integers. Partial Points 300 points will be awarded for passing the test set satisfying N≦1000. Another 200 points will be awarded for passing the test set without additional constraints.


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:N X


Print the total length of the ray’s trajectory.

样例输入 Copy

5 2

样例输出 Copy



Refer to the image in the Problem Statement section. The total length of the trajectory is 2+3+2+2+1+1+1=12. 思路:就是列出来一部分 找出规律。 代码:

#include #include #include #include#include#include#include #include typedef long long ll;using namespace std;const int maxn=210;#defineconst int mod=998244353;const int MOD=10007; ll n,m,k,sum,cnt;ll a[maxn],b[maxn],dp[maxn];char str[maxn],s[maxn]; ll gcd(ll a,ll b){ while(b){ ll temp=a%b; a=b; b=temp; } return a;}int main(){ ll x; cin>>n>>x; cout<<(n-gcd(n,x))*3<

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下一篇:httpflow 数据包捕获和分析实用程序类似于tcpdump for HTTP

