Vuetron 一个用于测试和调试Vue + Vuex应用程序的工具

网友投稿 666 2022-10-27

Vuetron 一个用于测试和调试Vue + Vuex应用程序的工具

Vuetron 一个用于测试和调试Vue + Vuex应用程序的工具

是一個可以幫助您 Vue.js 的項目測試及偵錯的工具, 也同時支持 Vuex及 Vue-Router.

Why Vuetron? 我們為什麼用 Vuetron?

We really like the current Vue dev tools for chrome and wanted a way to extend that functionality by hooking onto the vue application itself, so we built Vuetron! Like the Developer Tools, you’re still able to view emitted events, view application state, and time travel debug. With Vuetron you have the added the ability to subscribe to specific state variables, observe API requests and responses, and visualize the component structure of your application giving you a larger toolkit for testing and debugging your Vue.js application.

Getting Started

To use Vuetron, you will need both the desktop application and node module in your Vue project. You can find the app download and installation instructions here.

Key Features

Eventstream with Time Travel Debugging:

Instantly time travel between previous application states, or revert a whole group of state changes at once.

See 5 types of events Connected to Server: Vuetron has successfully connected to the socket server.State Initialized: If using Vuex, this event is displayed when the initial state is received This will reinitialize if your application is refreshed, but you will not lose previous state changes State Change: If using Vuex, this event is displayed for each mutation call The expanded card displays each state change that occurred Event Emitted: This event is displayed for every $emit call The expanded card displays the name of the $emit API Request / Response: If using the fetch API for requests, this event is displayed for any request sent The expanded card displays the request data as well as the response data

State Subscriptions:

Subscribe to specific parts of your application's state for faster debugging

Component Tree:

Visualizing your component hierarchy has never been easier. Animation allows you to collapse or expand the tree for specific hierarchy views.

Collapsable Vuex State Object:

View and interact with an object representation of your application's most current state.

Other benefits:

Cross platform Windows, Mac, and Linux ready.

Try it out

If you want to test out Vuetron before you commit to installing it in your project, you can fork or clone our example app with the plugins pre-configured. (Vuetron app download required separately)


Read the file for more information on running tests.

Built With

Vue.js - The web framework usedVuex - State ManagementVue-Router - RoutingElectron - Used to build desktop - Used communicate between Vuetron and client's application


Found a bug? Have a suggestion? Feel free to submit issues!

Please read for details on our code of conduct and the process for submitting pull requests if you're interesting in contributing to this project!


Samantha Salley - Louis Rouaze - Kelly Gilliam - Brandon Danh -

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.txt file for details


vued3tree libraryvue-object-view librarySupport from other open source developersAnd the entire Vue developer community

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