Microless是一个基于node.js koa的微服务框架

网友投稿 819 2022-10-27

Microless是一个基于node.js koa的微服务框架

Microless是一个基于node.js koa的微服务框架

Microservice framework for node.js to make container-based microservice web applications and APIs more enjoyable to write. Micro is based on koa.js, allowing you to use all the features that koa has.




Make microservice reachable

Deploying microservices with docker containers, using docker stack deploy and docker swarmTransferring the data between the services via JSON strings and RESTful APIEvery single serivice has it's own databaseAPI Gateway serves as the controlling unit, which controls the whole system.You can do some universal works like auth or logUsing docker deploy to manage containers and servicesEasily Integrated with koa middlewares


Install Docker

please visit docker doc

ATTENTION: docker swarm and docker-compose is also needed.

Install Microless

Microless requires node v7.6.0 or higher for ES2015 and async function support.

$ npm install microless --save

Getting started

The example shows the ability to start a python container using microless, you can get the source code in folder example

Write Python Code

from flask import Flaskapp = Flask(__name__)@app.route("/")def hello(): html = "

Hello {name}!

" return html.format(name="world")if __name__ == "__main__": app.run(host='', port=80)

This program will run a python server at port 80.

Write Dockerfile

# Use an official Python runtime as a parent imageFROM python:2.7-slim# Set the working directory to /appWORKDIR /app# Copy the current directory contents into the container at /appADD . /app# Install any needed packages specified in requirements.txtRUN pip install Flask# Make port 80 available to the world outside this containerEXPOSE 80# Run app.py when the container launchesCMD ["python", "app.py"]

This Dockerfile defines a image which can start a python server at port 80.

Write Compose File

Save as docker-compose.yml

version: "2"services: web: image: 'example_web' build: . ports: - "4000:80"

This compose file starts a python container called web with exposed port 4000, which uses the above Dockerfile.

For more details please visit docker docs.

Write Microless Code

// import microlessconst Micro = require('microless');// config restful api routersconst routers = { '/': { method: 'get' // define the request method }}var micro = new Micro({ name: 'test', //project name compose: { src: './docker-compose.yml' //docker compose file dockerfile: '.' }, // router to microservice modems: { // name in docker compose files web: { configs: routers, } }, server: { port: 3001 }});

This will run the service in a docker container named 'example_web_1'.

Then the project will run at port 3001.

When you visit http://locahost:3001, you will see the result from python programs, every single request from http://locahost:3001 will automatically router to the right microservice.

Other Configs


Compose defines the src of file docker-compose and dockefile

compose: { src: './docker-compose.yml', //default is './docker-compose.yml' dockerfile: '.' //dockerfile directory, default is . }


Modems mainly defines the router to microservice. Every single request from http://locahost:3001 will automatically router to the right microservice, so your router configs in the microless must as same as the router defined in the microservice.

For example, if you define a container called web in docker-compose.yml, you must write web as a key in modems like this:

modems: { web: { configs: routers }, a: { configs: aRouters }, ... }

Router Configs

A symbol config is like this:

const routers = { '/': { //called when route ends afterRoute: function(ctx, next, response) { ctx.body = response.body; }, method: 'get' }, '/shit/:id': { //called when route ends afterRoute: function(ctx, next) { ctx.body = 'shit api 0.1, params=' + JSON.stringify(this.params); }, method: 'get' } }

There are two attributes that router config has:

method: required, defines a http request methodafterRoute: optional, called when route ends, you can handle the result from microservice and display it in other way.when you use this attribute, you must write ctx.body = xxx, otherwise you would see a blank page.

P.S. The router follows the koa-router.

Error Handling in Modems

Currently, microless has three error handling methods when modem to a microservice:

modems: { web: { configs: routers, //called when modem on error onError: function(ctx, next, error) { ctx.body = error; }, //called when method not supported methodNotSupported: function(ctx, next, error) { }, //called when route not found routeNotFound: function(ctx, next, error) { } } }

onError: optional, called when modem on error.methodNotSupported: optional, called when method not supported.routeNotFound: optional, called when route not found.


Server just has one attribute:

port: required, defines the main port of the service.

Error Handling

onSuccess: optional, called when successfully exectuing docker-composeonError: optional, called when exectuing docker-compose failed

A complete start code is like this:

const Micro = require('../src');const routers = { '/': { //called when route ends afterRoute: function(ctx, next, response) { ctx.body = response.body; }, method: 'get' }, '/shit/:id': { //called when route ends afterRoute: function(ctx, next) { ctx.body = 'shit api 0.1, params=' + JSON.stringify(this.params); }, method: 'get' }}var micro = new Micro({ name: 'test', compose: { src: './docker-compose.yml', dockerfile: '.' }, modems: { web: { configs: routers, //called when modem on error onError: function(ctx, next, error) { ctx.body = error; }, //called when method not supported methodNotSupported: function(ctx, next, error) { }, //called when route not found routeNotFound: function(ctx, next, error) { } } }, server: { port: 3001 }, //called when successfully exectuing docker-compose // onSuccess: function() { // }, //called when exectuing docker-compose failed onError: function(error) { console.log(error); }});

Enjoy your microservice with docker and nodejs :)

For more visit author's website: ivydom

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