
网友投稿 648 2022-10-27



bootstrap.pytorch is a high-level extension for deep learning projects with PyTorch. It aims at accelerating research projects and prototyping by providing a powerful workflow focused on your dataset and model.

And it is:

ScalableModularShareableExtendableUncomplicatedBuilt for reproducibilityEasy to log and plot anything

Unlike many others, bootstrap.pytorch is not a wrapper over pytorch, but a powerful extension.

Quick tour

To run an experiment (training + evaluation):

python -m bootstrap.run -o myproject/options/sgd.yaml

To display parsed options from the yaml file:

python -m bootstrap.run -o myproject/options/sgd.yaml -h

Running an experiment will create 4 files, here is an example with mnist:

options.yaml contains the options used for the experimentlogs.txt contains all the information given to the loggerlogs.json contains the following data: train_epoch.loss, train_batch.loss, eval_epoch.accuracy_top1, etcview.html contains training and evaluation curves with javascript utilities (plotly)

To save the next experiment in a specific directory:

python -m bootstrap.run -o myproject/options/sgd.yaml --exp.dir logs/custom

To reload an experiment:

python -m bootstrap.run -o logs/custom/options.yaml --exp.resume last


The package reference is available on the documentation website.

It also contains some notes:


Official project modules

mnist.bootstrap.pytorch is a useful example for starting a quick project with bootstrapvision.bootstrap.pytorch contains utilities to train image classifier, object detector, etc. on usual datasets like imagenet, cifar10, cifar100, coco, visual genome, etcrecipe1m.bootstrap.pytorch is a project for image-text retrieval related to the Recip1M dataset developped in the context of a SIGIR18 paperblock.bootstrap.pytorch is a project focused on fusion modules related to the VQA 2.0, TDIUC and VRD datasets developped in the context of a AAAI19 paper



Contributions to this repository are welcome and encouraged. We also have a public trello board with prospect features, as well as an indication of those currently being developed. Feel free to contact us with suggestions, or send a pull request.

We use flake8 to perform early semantic checking of submitted code. After installing all the requirements in requirements.txt, please run the following to activate the pre-commit hooks for flake8: pre-commit install

To manually trigger the pre-commit checks for a file without creating a commit, you can run the following command: pre-commit run --files

bootstrap.pytorch was conceived and is maintained by Rémi Cadène and Micael Carvalho, with helpful discussions and insights from Thomas Robert and Hedi Ben-Younes. We chose to adopt the [very permissive] BSD-3 license, which allows for commercial and private use, making it compatible with both academy and industry standards.

版权声明:本文内容由网络用户投稿,版权归原作者所有,本站不拥有其著作权,亦不承担相应法律责任。如果您发现本站中有涉嫌抄袭或描述失实的内容,请联系我们jiasou666@gmail.com 处理,核实后本网站将在24小时内删除侵权内容。

下一篇:layering-cache- 为监控而生的多级缓存框架

