abide - 一个用于http响应快照的Go测试实用程序

网友投稿 496 2022-10-26

abide - 一个用于http响应快照的Go测试实用程序

abide - 一个用于http响应快照的Go测试实用程序


A testing utility for http response snapshots. Inspired by Jest.


Include abide in your project.

import "github.com/beme/abide"

Within your test function, capture the response to an http request, set a unique identifier, and assert.

func TestFunction(t *testing.T) { req := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "http://example.com/", nil) w := httptest.NewRecorder() exampleHandler(w, req) res := w.Result() abide.AssertHTTPResponse(t, "example route", res)}

Run your tests.

$ go test -v

If the output of your http response does not equal the existing snapshot, the difference will be printed in the test output. If this change was intentional, the snapshot can be updated by including the -u flag.

$ go test -v -- -u

Any snapshots created/updated will be located in package/__snapshots__.


To ensure only the snapshots in-use are included, add the following to TestMain. If your application does not have one yet, you can read about TestMain usage here.

func TestMain(m *testing.M) { exit := m.Run() abide.Cleanup() os.Exit(exit)}

Once included, if the update -u flag is used when running tests, any snapshot that is no longer in use will be removed. Note: if a single test is run, pruning will not occur.


A snapshot is essentially a lock file for an http response. Instead of having to manually compare every aspect of an http response to it's expected value, it can be automatically generated and used for matching in subsequent testing.

Here's an example snapshot:

/* snapshot: example route */HTTP/1.1 200 OKConnection: closeContent-Type: application/json{ "key": "value"}

When working with snapshots in a git repository, you could face some end line replacements that can cause comparison issues (warning: CRLF will be replaced by LF in ...). To solve that just configure the snapshots as binary files in .gitattributes of your project root:

*.snapshot binary

abide also supports testing outside of http responses, by providing an Assert(*testing.T, string, Assertable) method which will create snapshots for any type that implements String() string.


See /example for the usage of abide in a basic web server. To run tests, simply $ go test -v


In some cases, attributes in a JSON response can by dynamic (e.g unique id's, dates, etc.), which can disrupt snapshot testing. To resolve this, an abide.json file config can be included to override values with defaults. Consider the config in the supplied example project:

{ "defaults": { "Etag": "default-etag-value", "updated_at": 0, "foo": "foobar" }}

When used with AssertHTTPResponse, for any response with Content-Type: application/json, the key-value pairs in defaults will be used to override the JSON response, allowing for consistent snapshot testing. Any HTTP headers will also be override for key matches in defaults.

Using custom __snapshot__ directory

To write snapshots to a directory other than the default __snapshot__, adjust abide.SnapshotDir before any call to an Assert function. See example/models package for a working example

func init() { abide.SnapshotDir = "testdata"}

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