NVelocity and Collections (and Possibly Arrays)

网友投稿 759 2022-10-26

NVelocity and Collections (and Possibly Arrays)

NVelocity and Collections (and Possibly Arrays)

I just spent 40 minutes banging my head against a pointy sharp wall. I’m using NVelocity as my view engine on a Monorail project and couldn’t figure out how to access an element of a collection.

$collection[0] // Doesn't work$collection(0) // Nuh-uh$collection.[0] // Nope$collection.get(0) // As per Velocity Docs. Nope$collection.get_Item(0) // THIS WORKS!

Ok, so that’s incredibly not obvious. I couldn’t find any reference to it on the Castle Project Website​, the Velocity docs​ the Castle site refers you to, or pretty much anywhere.  I did find it in the google group though, but only after a lot lot lot of searching. So hopefully this will save someone out there a few minutes of their life.

Or maybe I should just switch to Brail.


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