
网友投稿 559 2022-10-26



Duration View

Duration View allows you to create views to depict durations of time.

For example, if you wish to display a duration split into Days, Hours, Mins and Secs, you just need to set the values and DurationView will do the rendering for you.

Sample App

Download the Demo app on Google Play Store:



Add JitPack in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:

allprojects { repositories { ... maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' } }}

Add it as a dependency in your app's build.gradle file

dependencies { implementation 'com.github.rayzone107:DurationView:1.00'}

How to use

Add a DurationView to your XML layout

Below are the default values for all the properties

\\ Divider width

Note that "wrap_content" might not function properly. wrap_content and match_parent might work the same way. Either set absolute dimensions in dp, or set match_parent with limited available area (within a ViewGroup).

These values can also be set programatically.

DurationView durationView = findViewById(R.id.duration_view); durationView.setDays(rnd.nextInt(100)); durationView.setHours(rnd.nextInt(24)); durationView.setMins(rnd.nextInt(60)); durationView.setSecs(rnd.nextInt(60)); durationView.setDaysColor(Color.BLACK); durationView.setHoursColor(Color.BLACK); durationView.setMinsColor(Color.BLACK); durationView.setSecsColor(Color.BLACK); durationView.setDaysLabelColor(Color.BLACK); durationView.setHoursLabelColor(Color.BLACK); durationView.setMinsLabelColor(Color.BLACK); durationView.setSecsLabelColor(Color.BLACK); durationView.setLabelTextSize(10f); durationView.setNumberTextSize(18f); durationView.setShowDividers(true); durationView.setDividersColor(Color.BLACK); durationView.setDividersMargin(2f); durationView.setDividersWidth(2f);


Any kind of contribution will be appreciated; feel free to create a pull request or file issues on the issue tracker.

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