mobile-router.js 是轻量级web端单页面框架

网友投稿 614 2022-10-26

mobile-router.js 是轻量级web端单页面框架

mobile-router.js 是轻量级web端单页面框架

mobile-router.js — A lightweight single page bone for mobile web App

Online docs

DEMO - source code

require.js DEMO - source code

The mobile-router.js-demo is a simple mobile web app demo for mobile-router.js.

mobile-router.js-sample - A mobile-router.js demo like ui-router sample


Less than 9k when gzipped

How can i install it?

Download a latest build from it contains development and minified production files in build/ folder.

or use npm

npm install mobile-router.js

or use git clone

git clone

How can i use it?

M.router.init([ { path: '/', // route path cacheTemplate: false, // cacheTemplate option for current route animation: true, // animation option for current route aniClass: 'slideup', // switching effects option for current route getTemplate: function() { // sync return '/index template content'; }, onActive: function() { // 1.5.5+ // called when the route is actived, even before create `page-view` element }, callback: function() { // called after the page has been shown if (this.cached) return; // the page was cached in document. // do something ... }, onDestroy: function() { // destroy }, onEnter: function(paramName) { // 1.5.3+ // called when the page will show }, onLeave: function() { // 1.5.3+ // called when the page will hide } }, { path: '/m/:paramName', getTemplate: function(cb) { // async var that = this; // that.params - params info // that.query - query info setTimeout(function() { cb('/m/' + that.params.paramName + ' template content'); }, 200); }, callback: function(paramName) { if (this.cached) return; // do something ... }, onDestroy: function() { // destroy } }, { // support redirectTo , string url or function (1.5.5+) path: '/redirectTo/:rtPath', redirectPushState: false, // default true, enable `pushState` when redirectTo is actived redirectTo: function(rtPath) { console.log('redirectTo', arguments, this); return '/' + rtPath; } }, { // support redirectTo , string url or function (1.5.5+) // if redirectTo route have getTemplate then the `page-view` will // be created, looks like a normal route. The redirectTo will be actived // after the route's callback is called path: '/contacts', getTemplate: contacts.getTemplate, onEnter: contacts.onEnter, onLeave: contacts.onLeave, callback: contacts.controller, onDestroy: contacts.onDestroy, redirectTo: '/contacts/list', redirectPushState: false, children: { // Nested routes & views! (1.5.0+) viewsSelector: '.content', cacheViewsNum: 1, routes: [ { // all contacts path: '/list', getTemplate: list.getTemplate, onEnter: list.onEnter, onLeave: list.onLeave, callback: list.controller, onDestroy: list.onDestroy } ] } }, { path: '/d', getTemplate: def.getTemplate, onEnter: def.onEnter, onLeave: def.onLeave, callback: def.controller, onDestroy: def.onDestroy, children: { viewsSelector: '.content', cacheViewsNum: 1, routes: [ { // sub default route path: '/', getTemplate: defSub.getTemplate, onEnter: defSub.onEnter, onLeave: defSub.onLeave, callback: defSub.controller, onDestroy: defSub.onDestroy } ] } }, { // Nested routes & views! (1.5.0+) path: '/b/:bid', getTemplate: function(cb) { var path = this.path.substr(1); setTimeout(function() { var lis = ''; var t; // build sub view link for (var i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { t = path + '/s' + i; lis += '

  • /' + t + '
  • '; // or: (looks like set `enablePushState:false`, do not change `location`) // lis += '
  • /' + t + '
  • '; } cb( '' ); }, 200); }, callback: function() { console.log('callback:/b', this, arguments); }, onDestroy: function() { console.log('destroy:/b', this, arguments); }, children: { // config for nested routes & views! (1.5.0+) /* these configs, default inherit form parent config */ viewsSelector: '', viewClass: 'sub-view-b', maskClass: 'mask', showLoading: true, cacheViewsNum: 3, cacheTemplate: true, animation: true, aniClass: 'slide', routes: [ { path: '/:subB', // '/b/:bid/:subB' /* config for current sub route */ cacheTemplate: false, animation: true, aniClass: 'slideup', getTemplate: function(cb) { var that = this; setTimeout(function() { cb('
    ' + that.path + '

    sub content

    '); }, 200); }, callback: function() { console.log('sub callback b', this, arguments); }, onDestroy: function() { console.log('sub destroy b', this, arguments); } } ] } }], { /** Global configs */ /*cache tempaltes or not*/ cacheTemplate: true, /*views container's selector. Default document.body*/ viewsSelector: '', /*view class. Each page view will have a default class `page-view`, the `viewClass` option's value will be appended to the page view element's class */ viewClass: 'page-view', /*use animation or not*/ animation: true, /*switching effects*/ aniClass: 'slide', /*mask class for loading*/ maskClass: 'mask', /*show loading or not*/ showLoading: true, /*cache views number. Default 3*/ cacheViewsNum: 3});// Or like thisM.router.add('/ddd/{dddID:int}', function(dddID) { // callback}, { // options cacheTemplate: true, getTemplate: function() { return '/ddd/' + this.params.dddID; }, onDestroy: function() { // destroy }});/* global route change events *//* `routeChangeStart` event, trigged before a route change. */M.router.on('routeChangeStart', function(currentRouteState) { });/*`routeChangeEnd` event, trigged after a route changed and the page has been shown.*/M.router.on('routeChangeEnd', function(currentRouteState) { });// start historyM.history.start({ base: '/', // base path of history. Default the url base in the head of your main html file () or '/' enablePushState: true, // enable pushstate or not (less that 2.x) // (2.0.0+) // set `history`, `hashbang` or `abstract` // default `hashbang` history: true, // or hashbang: true, // or abstract: true});


    Lightweight, Easy. Nested routes & views (1.5.0+). No Dependencies. You can use it with jquery, zepto, iscroll or others. Cache templates automatically. Good for SEO. You can render pages on server. Cache pages automatically. Default cache pages number is 3. Switching pages use CSS animation. History mode: history, hashbang or abstract

    About some configs

    The priority of get animation, aniClass or cacheTemplate config's value is:

    `data-xxx` -> route config -> global config

    About examples/

    index.html: basic usage, getTemplate config, and data-rel=back attribute config on link element for reverse animation direction. index1.html: link element's data-href attribute config (as same as abstract=true) , and disable one route animation. index2.html: disable animation. index3.html: disable cacheTemplate. index4.html: set global aniClass. index5.html: set aniClass in two ways. index6.html: set cacheTemplate of one route. index7.html: set M.history config abstract=true. index8.html: nested routes and views. requirejs/: use require.js

    About SEO

    The server can response HTML with cpmplete content

    content rendered by the server


    The MIT License

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    上一篇:并发编程 -- ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor
    下一篇:测试框架断言- 基础的断言Go库

