vue-mobile:采用 Vue.js 构建的移动 UI 框架

网友投稿 662 2022-10-26

vue-mobile:采用 Vue.js 构建的移动 UI 框架

vue-mobile:采用 Vue.js 构建的移动 UI 框架

vue-mobile - V2.0.0-rc.1

An UI Framework build with Vue.js

vum is update to vue@2.0! checkout to v0.1.1 for vue@1.x.

Click or scan vcode to see live demos:

What is?

vue-mobile is an UI Framework build with Vue.js for SPA:

Full Page Structure - header, content, footerPage transition support by vue-routerBunch of Powerful Components, easy to use and extendhigh performance CSS3 Animation1px border for all components - as well as round borderWrite with Vue - the most important

Love Vue

Vue is the best View Layer Framework I have ever seen:

Elegant APITwo way binding, ComponentsEasy to build large scale AppWonderful Components Organization.


Page Buttons Column Grid List Cards Contacts Form Icons Modal Preloader Tab Scroll Popup Actions Toast Search Bar Calendar Photo Browser Swiper

Build Setup

# install dependenciesnpm install# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080npm run dev# build for production with minificationnpm run build# run unit testsnpm run unit

For detailed explanation on how things work, checkout the guide and docs for vue-loader.

Get Start

Two way to create a project with vum?

clone source code directly

Clone this repo to your work dirnpm install to install dependencesnpm run dev to run dev server with hot reload.Open http://localhost:8088 in your browser, then you can see the demosChange to dir src/demos, modify what you want, and remove unused pages

That's all! You can do it :) Do not forget to reinit git.

use npm

Create your project, vue-cli is recommendnpm install vum in the root of your projectImport the components you wanted in src


The css style of components comes from:


And vui-mobile could never be completed without these:


Stay In Touch

Please make sure that you have some knowledge about vue.js before join QQ group:

QQ Group: 581532614


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