electron-vue —— 基于 vue 来构造 electron 应用程序的样板代码

网友投稿 756 2022-10-25

electron-vue —— 基于 vue 来构造 electron 应用程序的样板代码

electron-vue —— 基于 vue 来构造 electron 应用程序的样板代码

The boilerplate for making electron applications built with vue (pretty much what it sounds like).


The aim of this project is to remove the need of manually setting up electron apps using vue. electron-vue takes advantage of vue-cli for scaffolding, webpack with vue-loader, electron-packager or electron-builder, and some of the most used plugins like vue-router, vuex, and so much more.

Check out the detailed documentation here.

Things you'll find in this boilerplate...

Basic project structure with a single package.json setupDetailed documentationProject scaffolding using vue-cliReady to use Vue plugins (axios, vue-electron, vue-router, vuex)*Installed vue-devtools and devtron tools for developmentAbility to easily package your electron app using electron-packager or electron-builder*appveyor.yml and .travis.yml configurations for automated deployments with electron-builder*Ability to produce web output for browsersHandy NPM scriptsUse of webpack and vue-loader with Hot Module ReplacementProcess restarting when working in main processHTML/CSS/JS pre-processor support with vue-loaderES6 with stage-0 by defaultUse of babili to remove the need of transpiling completely down to ES5ESLint (with support for standard and airbnb-base)*Unit Testing (with Karma + Mocha)*End-to-end Testing (with Spectron + Mocha)*

*Customizable during vue-cli scaffolding

Getting Started

This boilerplate was built as a template for vue-cli and includes options to customize your final scaffolded app. The use of node@^7 or higher required. electron-vue also officially recommends the yarn package manager as it handles dependencies much better and can help reduce final build size with yarn clean.

# Install vue-cli and scaffold boilerplatenpm install -g vue-clivue init simulatedgreg/electron-vue my-project# Install dependencies and run your appcd my-projectyarn # or npm installyarn run dev # or npm run dev

Are you a Windows User?

Make sure to check out A Note for Windows Users to make sure you have all the necessary build tools needed for electron and other dependencies.

Wanting to use Vue 1?

Just point to the 1.0 branch. Please note that electron-vue has officially deprecated the usage of vue@^1, so project structure, features, and documentation will reflect those changes (legacy documentation).

vue init simulatedgreg/electron-vue#1.0 my-project

Next Steps

Make sure to take a look at the documentation. Here you will find useful information about configuration, project structure, and building your app. There's also a handy FAQs section.

Made with electron-vue

Take a look at some of the amazing projects built with electron-vue. Want to have your own project listed? Feel free add your project to the bottom of the list below then submit a pull request.

Surfbird: A Twitter client built on Electron and VueLulumi-browser: Lulumi-browser is a light weight browser coded with Vue.js 2 and ElectronSpace-Snake: A Desktop game built with Electron and Vue.js.Forrest: An npm scripts desktop clientmiikun: A Simple Markdown EditorDakika: A minute taking application that makes writing minutes a breezeDynamoc: Dynamoc is a GUI client for dynamodb-local, dynalite and AWS dynamodbDockeron: A dockeron project, built on Electron + Vue.js for DockerEasysubs: Download subtitles in a very fast and simple wayadminScheduler: An application leveraging electron for cross platform compatibility, Vue.js for lightning fast UI and full-calendar.io to deliver a premium calendar interface.Backlog: Simple app for storing TODOs, ideas or backlog items. You can organize them with boards. Sleek flow. Built with Electron + Vue.js + iViewOpshell: Ops tool to make life easier working with AWS instances.GitHoard: Hoard git repositories with ease.Data-curator: Share usable open data.

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