Susanoo一个REST API的安全测试框架

网友投稿 687 2022-10-25

Susanoo一个REST API的安全测试框架

Susanoo一个REST API的安全测试框架


Susanoo is a REST API security testing framework.


Configurable inputs/outputs formatsAPI Vulnerability Scan: Normal scanning engine that scans for IDOR, Authentication issues, SQL injections, Error stacks.Smoke Scan: Custom output checks for known pocs can be configured to run daily.

Types of Scans:

* API Vulnerability Scan ** Scans for following bugs: *** Indirect Object References *** Authentication issues *** SQL injections *** Error stacks* Smoke Scan ** A known Proof-of-concept can be configured to run daily/weekly etc.


Susanoo takes yaml files in configuration. Please check the examples folder for sample configuration files.

Parameter Types:

resource --> static Eg: In the following example the value "password" is used for grant_type: password: {"type":"resource", "required":True, "value":"p@ssw0rd"} hex-n: Generate hex of length n. Eg: a hex value of length 16 is generated for uniqueId in below example: id: {'type':'hex-16', 'required': True} int-n: Generates int of size n Eg: a int value of size 4 is generated for uniqueId in below example: bonus: {'type':'int-4', 'required':'True'} email: Generates random email id Eg: a random email id is generated and assigned for email_id email_id: {"type":"email", "required":True} username: Generates random username Eg: a random username is generated and assigned for username username: {"type":"username", "required":True} string: Generates random strings Eg: generates random strings of variable length. string: {"type":"string", "required":True}


If you like the project, you can buy me beers :)


^^/D/projects >>> git clone^^/D/projects >>> cd susanoo^^/D/p/susanoo >>> sudo pip install -r requirements.txt


^^/D/p/susanoo >>> cd db^^/D/p/s/db >>> sudo mongod --dbpath . --bind_ip= ^^/D/p/susanoo >>> python


Use celery/scheduler to schedule the scans Chain apis together? pickup value from one api and use in another Add more vulnerability checks Make it more reliable Parallelize scans using Celery Add better reporting


Go-Jek Security Teamrestfuzz

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