一个Laravel框架的Tailwind CSS前端预设

网友投稿 785 2022-10-24

一个Laravel框架的Tailwind CSS前端预设

一个Laravel框架的Tailwind CSS前端预设

Laravel 7.0+ Frontend preset for Tailwind CSS

A Laravel front-end scaffolding preset for Tailwind CSS - a Utility-First CSS Framework for Rapid UI Development.


Fresh install Laravel >= 7.0 and cd to your app.Install this preset via composer require laravel-frontend-presets/tailwindcss --dev. Laravel will automatically discover this package. No need to register the service provider.

a. For Presets without Authentication

Use php artisan ui tailwindcss for the basic Tailwind CSS presetnpm install && npm run devphp artisan serve (or equivalent) to run server and test preset.

b. For Presets with Authentication

Use php artisan ui tailwindcss --auth for the basic preset, auth route entry, and Tailwind CSS auth views in one go. (NOTE: If you run this command several times, be sure to clean up the duplicate Auth entries in routes/web.php)npm install && npm run devConfigure your favorite database (mysql, sqlite etc.)php artisan migrate to create basic user tables.php artisan serve (or equivalent) to run server and test preset.


The default tailwind.config.js configuration file included by this package simply uses the config from the Tailwind vendor files. Should you wish to make changes, you should remove the file and run node_modules/.bin/tailwind init, which will generate a fresh configuration file for you, which you are free to change to suit your needs.

Add a new i18n string in the resources/lang/XX/pagination.php file for each language that your app uses:

'previous' => '« Previous','next' => 'Next »','goto_page' => 'Goto page #:page', // Add this line

This should help with accessibility

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