ImageSplitter 是一个能将图像分割成正方形的程序

网友投稿 637 2022-10-24

ImageSplitter 是一个能将图像分割成正方形的程序

ImageSplitter 是一个能将图像分割成正方形的程序


Image splitter is a program which allows you to split images into squares, originally created as a command for a Discord Bot. It uses System.Drawing to and gifsicle to conver images to .gif files


ImageSplitter is available for Windows and Linux/MacOS by using Wine or Mono

Download Page

You need all the .exe files in the same folder and .NET Framework on Windows or Wine and Mono on Unix-like systems

How to use

To do

Add vertical and horizontal gap optionUse a rendering engine with hardware acceleration supportAutomatically adjust the square size based on the column or row count

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