RESTful-PHP:一个简单的RESTful PHP API框架

网友投稿 1160 2022-10-24

RESTful-PHP:一个简单的RESTful PHP API框架

RESTful-PHP:一个简单的RESTful PHP API框架

This is a PHP framework for a RESTful API.

It makes it easy to add endpoints by providing the RESTfulEndpoint and DatabaseEndpoint classes. It also provides an interface for SQL database access.

SQL queries are made to work on all database types, meaning as long as you only use standard SQL types, you should be able to switch just by changing the connector attribute. To use a database, a connector for the database must exist. For a list of possible connectors see http://php-/manual/en/refs.database.php. There is currently only a connector for MySQL.

Accepts requests as form data or jsON strings. Results are JSON strings.



Endpoint Usage

Database Endpoint

Contains automatic handlers for all method types


'Custom error message']; } return parent::get($params); } function post($params) { $result = parent::post($params); if (isset($result['error'])) { if ($result['return_code'] === RESULT_DUPLICATE) { return ['error' => 'Tried to add duplicate item'] } return ['error' => 'Error adding item']; } return ['message' => 'Custom success response']; } } //First param is name of database //Second param is an optional array of keys that cannot be set through // the DatabaseEndpoint (they will be silently removed) $endpoint = new Endpoint('table_name', [ 'is_admin' ]); $endpoint->handleRequest();?>

Custom endpoint

'You need to enter an ID']; } return ['message' => 'Success']; } function post($params) { return ['message' => 'POST method works!']; } } $endpoint = new Endpoint(); $endpoint->handleRequest();?>

Database Usage

DatabaseConnection ($this->db)

Access database from within endpoints via $this->db. Methods in DatabaseConnection:

verify_table(string $tableName) - This will create the table with the specified name based on rest-config.json, if it doesn't already exist. Returns true if the table exists or was created insert(string $tableName, array $values) - Inserts the array into the specified table. The array's keys should match the column names of the table being inserted into select(string $tableName, array $params) - Retrieves data from the database $params - Keys: string[] column, string where, string group_by, string order_by, int limit. where, group_by, and order_by are all placed directory in SQL queries as shown: SELECT * WHERE $where update(string $tableName, array $values, string $where) - Updates the table with the specified values on rows where $where evaluates to true. See select above for contents of $where updateAll(string $tableName, array $values) - Updates all rows in the table. This functionality is prevented in update, so it is provided here. delete(string $tableName, string $where) - Deletes data from the table on rows where $where evaluates to true. See select above for contents of $where updateAll(string $tableName, array $values) - Deletes all rows in the table. This functionality is prevented in delete, so it is provided here. disconnect($isError=false, $message='') - Closes the server connection. insert_id() - Returns the auto-generated ID from the last query. Returns 0 if none exists. num_rows() - Returns the number of rows affected by the last query


get_next_row(bool $enumerated=false) - Gets the next row from a select query. Keys are indexes instead of column names if $enumerated is trueget_all_rows(bool $enumerated=false) - Gets all rows from a select query. Keys are indexes instead of column names if $enumerated is trueget_row_as_class(string $class_name, array $properties=null) - Creates an instance of the class specified with the properties from the next row. Properties in $properties will also be added.set_current_row - Sets the current row index

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