Laravel-Metable:Laravel 5应用程序中处理任意数据的包

网友投稿 603 2022-10-23

Laravel-Metable:Laravel 5应用程序中处理任意数据的包

Laravel-Metable:Laravel 5应用程序中处理任意数据的包


Laravel-Metable is a package for easily attaching arbitrary data to Eloquent models for Laravel 5.6+.


One-to-many polymorphic relationship allows attaching data to Eloquent models without needing to adjust the database schema.Type conversion system allows data of numerous different scalar and object types to be stored and retrieved. See the documentation for the list of supported types.

Example Usage

Attach some metadata to an eloquent model

$post = Post::create($this->request->input());$post->setMeta('color', 'blue');

Query the model by its metadata

$post = Post::whereMeta('color', 'blue');

Retrieve the metadata from a model

$value = $post->getMeta('color');


Add the package to your Laravel app using composer

composer require plank/laravel-metable

Register the package's service provider in config/app.php. In Laravel versions 5.5 and beyond, this step can be skipped if package auto-discovery is enabled.

'providers' => [ ... Plank\Metable\MetableServiceProvider::class, ...];

Publish the config file (config/metable.php) and migration file (database/migrations/####_##_##_######_create_metable_table.php) of the package using artisan.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Plank\Metable\MetableServiceProvider"

Run the migrations to add the required table to your database.

php artisan migrate

Add the Plank\Metable\Metable trait to any eloquent model class that you want to be able to attach metadata to.


The full documentation is available on ReadTheDocs.


This package is released under the MIT license (MIT).

About Plank

Plank is a web development agency based in Montreal, Canada.

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