Slick使用的一个Reactive Android MVP框架

网友投稿 636 2022-10-22

Slick使用的一个Reactive Android MVP框架

Slick使用的一个Reactive Android MVP框架


A Reactive Android MVP Framework which is Slick to use.

Slick how? see it yourself :)

No need to extend anything

public class YourActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements ViewActivity { @Presenter //<-- Just annotate your presenter YourPresenter presenter; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { //And call bind on the generated class with your presenter args YourPresenter_Slick.bind(this, 123, "foo"); super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_your); } @Override public showMessage(String message) { }}

The Presenter:

public class YourPresenter extends SlickPresenter { public YourPresenter(@NonNull int code, String s) { } @Override public void onViewUp(@NonNull ActivityView view) { //view onStart } @Override public void onViewDown() { //view onStop } @Override public void onDestroy() { //only is called once when view is finishing }}

And a simple View interface, no need to extend anything

public interface ActivityView { void showMessage(String message);}

Other View types have the same logic, for more detailed instruction head to Wiki


Supports Activity, Fragment, CustomView, and Conductor ControllerNo dark magic involved, Just simple debuggable generated codeRetains Presenters in disposable, lifecycle-aware singletonsReactive support inspired by MVI and Elm architectureDo not need to extend any base class for your viewsEasily test presenters on JVM with junitUse multiple Presenter for one viewFully Type-safeDagger ready!

Reactive MVP Features:

Unidirectional Data Flow & Immutable ViewStateAutomatic subscription and disposing of Rxjava2 streams

public class YourPresenterUni extends SlickPresenterUni { /** ... **/ @Override protected void start(@NonNull ViewActivity view) { Observable> like = command(ViewActivity::likeMovie) .flatMap(id -> to backend .map(PartialViewStateLiked::new); Observable> loadComments = command(ViewActivity::loadComments) .flatMap(id -> repositoryComments.load(id).subscribeOn(io)) .map(PartialViewStateComments::new); subscribe(new ViewStateActivity(Collections.emptyList(), false), merge(like, loadComments)); } @Override protected void render(@NonNull ViewStateActivity state, @NonNull ViewActivity view) { if (!state.comments().isEmpty()) view.showComments(state.comments()); else view.showNoComments(); view.setLike(state.isLiked()); }}

For more detailed guide on Reactive Features read the Wiki


Packages are available in jcenter

// Base featuresimplementation 'com.mrezanasirloo:slick:1.1.5'// Reactive featuresimplementation 'com.mrezanasirloo:slick-reactive:1.1.5'implementation 'com.mrezanasirloo:slick-conductor:1.1.5'implementation 'com.mrezanasirloo:slick-support-fragment:1.1.5'annotationProcessor 'com.mrezanasirloo:slick-compiler:1.1.5'

Since Slick packages are not tied to a specific dependency you need to provide them.

// Conductorimplementation 'com.bluelinelabs:conductor:2.x.y'// RxJava for Reactive Featuresimplementation 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxjava:2.x.y'

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Copyright 2018. M. Reza NasirlooLicensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.You may obtain a copy of the License at required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, softwaredistributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.See the License for the specific language governing permissions andlimitations under the License.

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