轻松链接到React Native中的其他应用程序

网友投稿 647 2022-10-22

轻松链接到React Native中的其他应用程序

轻松链接到React Native中的其他应用程序


Easily deep link to other apps in React Native. If the app isn't installed on the user's phone, open the App Store or Play Store link instead.


npm i -S react-native-app-link


import AppLink from 'react-native-app-link';AppLink.maybeOpenURL(url, { appName, appStoreId, appStoreLocale, playStoreId }).then(() => { // do stuff}).catch((err) => { // handle error});AppLink.openInStore({ appName, appStoreId, appStoreLocale, playStoreId }).then(() => { // do stuff}).catch((err) => { // handle error});


maybeOpenURL(url, config) -> Promise Opens link if app is present. If not, it opens an app store to prompt the user to download it.

url: (String) a url in the specified app's deep linking format that points to the content you want to open.

config: (Object) a set of fallback urls if the app requested does not exist locally.

config.appName: (String) the app's name you're linking into.

config.appStoreId: (String) the app's ID on the App Store (iOS). Example: { appStoreId: '529379082' }

config.appStoreLocale: (String) the App Store's locale (iOS). Defaults to the USA App Store. Example: { appStoreId: 'us' }

config.playStoreId: (String) the app's package identifier on the Play Store (Android). Example: { playStoreId: 'me.lyft.android' }

openInStore(config) -> Promise Opens an app store to the listing requested.

config: (Object) a config for generate store urls.

config.appName: (String) the app's name you're linking into.

config.appStoreId: (String) the app's ID on the App Store (iOS). Example: { appStoreId: '529379082' }

config.appStoreLocale: (String) the App Store's locale (iOS). Defaults to the USA App Store. Example: { appStoreId: 'us' }

config.playStoreId: (String) the app's package identifier on the Play Store (Android). Example: { playStoreId: 'me.lyft.android' }

If there are any issues file an issue above and don't hesitate to spin up a PR and contribute!

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