xBehave.net - 一个BDD/TDD框架基于xUnit.net

网友投稿 599 2022-10-21

xBehave- - 一个BDD/TDD框架基于xUnit-

xBehave- - 一个BDD/TDD框架基于xUnit-



xBehave- is an xUnit- extension, available in full or minimal form, for describing each step in a test with natural language.

Platform support: .NET Standard 1.1 and upwards.


The full Xbehave package depends on the xunit package. That means you get the full suite of xUnit- dependencies such as xunit.assert and xunit.analyzers.

The minimal Xbehave.Core package depends on the xunit.core package. That means you get only the minimum dependencies required to write and execute xBehave- scenarios.


xBehave- follows the versioning scheme of xUnit-. xUnit- and xBehave- do not follow SemVer and may introduce breaking changes in minor versions. Each minor version of xBehave- is linked to the equivalent minor version of xUnit-. The xBehave- patch version is incremented to the next multiple of 100 each time it is linked to a new xUnit- patch version. For example, xBehave- 2.4.0 is linked with xUnit- 2.4.0, and xBehave- 2.4.100 is linked with xUnit 2.4.1.

A given xBehave- patch version may introduce new features, fix bugs, or both.

xBehave- logo designed by Vanja Pakaski.

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