Opus 团队的开源知识库应用程序

网友投稿 706 2022-10-21

Opus 团队的开源知识库应用程序

Opus  团队的开源知识库应用程序

Opensource knowledge base application for Teams.


Opus is a place for your team to document who you are, what you do and how you do it. It helps you create and maintain a knowledge base for your teams.


As companies grow, it becomes difficult to manage and communicate the knowledge across different departments, Opus acts as a single source of truth; a go-to place for the employees to get knowledge. It gives enterprises the power to create anything and everything; from meeting notes, project plans, product requirements, technical documentations, orchestrate processes, work-flows and more.

There are spaces for every team, department or major project. Then employees can create, organize and share knowledge inside their relevant teams and keep work organized. There is a structured hierarchy and powerful search engine to find what you need quickly and easily. Apart from that, templates help creating documents without any hassle and there is PDF and Office Docs generation for the ease of sharing.


Create manage Wikis (group of knowledge pages)Create nested pages inside wikisManage wikis and pages by spaces and tagsInvite employees by emailPowerful ACL to assign different roles and permissions to employees.Slack notifications for the wiki updatesMark wikis and pages as favoriteWatch wiki/pages to get notifiedIn-app notificationsDiscussions using commentsCreate reusable page templatesSearch across the knowledge base..and more


You can find some screenshots of the application in this following link.


You can use one of the following methods:



composer create-project ziishaned/opuscd opuscp .env.dist .envdocker-compose updocker-compose exec app php artisan key:generatedocker-compose exec app php artisan migratedocker run -v "$PWD":/var/www/ opus_app /usr/local/bin/composer install


Run the below command in your terminal: composer create-project ziishaned/opus Create .env using .env.dist and populate the relevant informationInstall the dependencies composer install Open the project directory and run the below php artisan migrate Generate an application key php artisan key:generate Run the database seeder php artisan db:seed


Report issuesSpread the wordReach out to me directly at ziishaned@gmail.com or on twitter @ziishaned


The license holder is allowed to use the software for free, as long as they don't make money using it. Read more in License

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