Ripple-Python的一个meta web 框架

网友投稿 534 2022-10-20

Ripple-python的一个meta web 框架

Ripple-Python的一个meta web 框架

ripple: a meta web framework for python

ripple lets you write webi, applications. webi is wsgi rearranged. It is a collection of webi middlewares, utilities and web server adaptors.

ripple takes everything it can from clojure's ring, perl's plack, python's werkezeug and ruby's rack.

installing ripple

pip install webi-ripple

running webi applications

Currently there are no direct interfaces to webservers. But you can use wsgi adaptor to convert webi applications to wsgi and run them with any wsgi compliant container.

Following example runs a sample app with werkezeug wsgi server.

def hello(environ): return 200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'}, '

Hello, from Ripple.

'if __name__ == '__main__': import ripple.adaptors from werkzeug.serving import run_simple run_simple('localhost', 4000, ripple.adaptors.wsgi(hello), use_debugger=True, use_reloader=True)

adding features using middlewares

Additional capabilities can be added to webi applications using included and contributed middlewares. A middleware takes a webi application, wraps additional functionality and returns a webi application.

Following example shows, how a webi can serve a file as a response body.

from ripple.middlewares import file_infoimport ripple.adaptorsdef file(environ): return 200, {}, open('ripple.png', 'rb')app = ripple.adaptors.wsgi(file_info(file))

composing a webi app

ripple provides builder, a helper function to compose middlewares for application. It can be used as a following.

from ripple import builderimport ripple.middlewaresdef basic(environ): return 200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'}, 'a composed app'app = builder(basic, ripple.middlewares.params, ripple.middlewares.file_info, ripple.middlewares.static)


securing session cookies.write tests.start documenting usage.

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