MesaTEE - 通用安全计算框架

网友投稿 638 2022-10-20

MesaTEE - 通用安全计算框架

MesaTEE - 通用安全计算框架

Teaclave: A Universal Secure Computing Platform

Apache Teaclave (incubating) is an open source universal secure computing platform, making computation on privacy-sensitive data safe and simple.


Security: Teaclave adopts multiple security technologies to enable secure computing, in particular, Teaclave uses Intel SGX to serve the most security-sensitive tasks with hardware-based isolation, memory encryption and attestation. Also, Teaclave is written in Rust to prevent memory-safety issues.Functionality: Teaclave is provided as a function-as-a-service platform. With many built-in functions, it supports tasks like machine learning, private set intersection, crypto computation, etc. In addition, developers can also deploy and execute Python scripts in Teaclave. More importantly, unlike traditional FaaS, Teaclave supports both general secure computing tasks and flexible single- and multi-party secure computation.Usability: Teaclave builds its components in containers, therefore, it supports deployment both locally and within cloud infrastructures. Teaclave also provides convenient endpoint APIs, client SDKs and command line tools.Modularity: Components in Teaclave are designed in modular, and some like remote attestation can be easily embedded in other projects. In addition, Teaclave SGX SDK can also be used separately to write standalone SGX enclaves for other purposes.

Getting Started

Try Teaclave

My First FunctionHow to Add Built-in Functions


Threat ModelMutual Attestation: Why and HowAccess ControlBuild System

Contribute to Teaclave

Rust Development GuidelineDevelopment Tips


AttestationBuilt-in FunctionsClient SDKCommand Line ToolConfigurations in TeaclaveData Center Attestation ServiceDockerfile and Compose FileExamplesExecutor RuntimeFile AgentFunction ExecutorsKeys and CertificatesRPCTeaclave ServicesTeaclave WorkerTest Harness and Test CasesThird-Party Dependency Vendoring

API Docs

Teaclave SGX SDKTeaclave Client SDK (Python)Crates in Teaclave (Enclave)Crates in Teaclave (App)


Teaclave is open source in The Apache Way, we aim to create a project that is maintained and owned by the community. All kinds of contributions are welcome. Read this document to learn more about how to contribute. Thanks to our contributors.


Join us on our mailing list.Follow us at @ApacheTeaclave.See more.

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