Kahlan - 全栈 Unit/BDD测试框架

网友投稿 1056 2022-10-20

Kahlan - 全栈 Unit/BDD测试框架

Kahlan - 全栈 Unit/BDD测试框架

Kahlan is a full-featured Unit & BDD test framework a la RSpec/JSpec which uses a describe-it syntax and moves testing in PHP one step forward.

Kahlan lets you stub or monkey patch your code directly like in Ruby or JavaScript without any required PECL-extensions.


Warren Seymour presentation at Unified Diff (2015)Grafikart presentation in French (2016, Kahlan 2.X)


chat.freenode- (server) #kahlan (channel)


See the full documentation here


PHP 5.5+Composerphpdbg or Xdebug (only required for code coverage analysis)

Main Features

RSpec/JSpec syntaxCode Coverage metrics (xdebug or phpdbg required)Handy stubbing system (mockery or prophecy are no longer needed)Set stubs on your class methods directly (i.e allows dynamic mocking)Ability to Monkey Patch your code (i.e. allows replacement of core functions/classes on the fly)Check called methods on your classes/instancesBuilt-in Reporters (Terminal or HTML reporting through istanbul or lcov)Built-in Exporters (Coveralls, Code Climate, Scrutinizer, Clover)Extensible, customizable workflow


toBe(true); }); it("expects methods to be called", function() { $user = new User(); expect($user)->toReceive('save')->with(['validates' => false]); $user->save(['validates' => false]); }); it("stubs a function", function() { allow('time')->toBeCalled()->andReturn(123); $user = new User(); expect($user->save())->toBe(true) expect($user->created)->toBe(123); }); it("stubs a class", function() { allow('PDO')->toReceive('prepare', 'fetchAll')->andReturn([['name' => 'bob']]); $user = new User(); expect($user->all())->toBe([['name' => 'bob']]); });});


Example of default reporting:

Example of verbose reporting:

Example of code coverage on a specific scope:


via Composer

$ composer require --dev kahlan/kahlan

Note: Kahlan uses the Semantic Versioning and maintains a CHANGELOG to help you easily understand what's happening.

via Git clone

git clone git://github.com/kahlan/kahlan.gitcd kahlancomposer installbin/kahlan # to run specs or,bin/kahlan --coverage=4 # to run specs with coverage info for namespaces, classes & methods (require xdebug)

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下一篇:FlieBeat & Kafka & Clickhouse 替代ELK 系列一

