
网友投稿 516 2022-10-20








The development of computer information technology has promoted the process of stock information management. With the concept of Internet plus, various Internet plus software has emerged. In the traditional management, all kinds of information are difficult to manage, the transmission speed is slow, and it takes a long time for statistical verification, which can not meet the needs of modern development. The proposal of stock trading management system based on Java solves the problems of stock business management, standardizes operation management, saves human and material resources, realizes stock automatic management, and brings opportunities for stock development.

Based on the development of relevant application software at home and abroad and combined with the current mainstream technology, this stock trading management system based on Java is designed and developed. The operation is simple and fast. The system data is stored in the MySQL database. The wechat applet is used in the wechat applet end interface, and the compatible display of the interface is realized in combination with JS dynamic effect. This paper first expounds the development background of the stock trading management system based on Java, and then describes the focus of this paper. Next, it makes a technical research on the stock trading management system based on Java, then makes a demand analysis, designs the system according to the demand analysis, finally realizes the coding through Java, releases the system after testing, and finally summarizes the project development.

Keywords:stock; Transactions; Information technology; Java;

目  录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 课题背景 1

1.2 课题研究意义 1

1.3 论文结构 2

第2章 系统关键技术 4

2.1 编程环境 4

2.2 JAVA语言 4

2.3 MySQL数据库 5

第3章 系统分析 7

3.1 非功能性需求 7

3.2 功能性需求 7

3.3 系统用例分析 8

3.4 系统可行性分析 10

第4章 系统设计 12

4.1 技术框架设计 12

4.2 数据库设计 12

4.2.1 数据库设计原则 12

4.2.2 数据库模型设计 13

4.2.3 数据库物理设计 14

4.3 功能模块设计 14

4.3.1 前台功能设计 14

4.3.2 后台功能设计 15

第5章 系统实现 16

5.1 前台实现 16

5.1.1前台会员首页 16

5.1.2基金模块 16

5.1.3基金买卖模块 17

5.1.4在线咨询 18

5.1.5我的模块 19

5.2 后台实现 20

5.2.1管理员登录 20

5.2.2用户管理 20

5.2.3基金管理实现 21

5.2.4金融时事管理实现 22

第6章 系统测试 23

6.1 测试环境 23

6.2 测试目的 23

6.3 测试用例 24

6.4 测试结论 25

结论 27

致谢 28

参考文献 29



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