
网友投稿 624 2022-10-18



#pragma execution_character_set("utf-8")#ifndef PICTUREFLOW_H#define PICTUREFLOW_H#include class PictureFlowPrivate;class PictureFlow : public QWidget{Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(int slideCount READ slideCount WRITE setSlideCount) Q_PROPERTY(int currentSlide READ currentSlide WRITE setCurrentSlide) Q_PROPERTY(QSize slideSize READ slideSize WRITE setSlideSize) Q_PROPERTY(int zoomFactor READ zoomFactor WRITE setZoomFactor)public: /*! Creates a new PictureFlow widget. */ PictureFlow(QWidget* parent = 0); /*! Destroys the widget. */ ~PictureFlow(); /*! Returns the total number of slides. */ int slideCount() const; /*! Sets the total number of slides. */ void setSlideCount(int count); /*! Returns the dimension of each slide (in pixels). */ QSize slideSize() const; /*! Sets the dimension of each slide (in pixels). */ void setSlideSize(QSize size); /*! Sets the zoom factor (in percent). */ void setZoomFactor(int zoom); /*! Returns the zoom factor (in percent). */ int zoomFactor() const; /*! Clears any caches held to free up memory */ void clearCaches(); /*! Returns QImage of specified slide. This function will be called only whenever necessary, e.g. the 100th slide will not be retrived when only the first few slides are visible. */ virtual QImage slide(int index) const; /*! Sets an image for specified slide. If the slide already exists, it will be replaced. */ virtual void setSlide(int index, const QImage& image); virtual void setSlideCaption(int index, QString caption); /*! Sets a pixmap for specified slide. If the slide already exists, it will be replaced. */ virtual void setSlide(int index, const QPixmap& pixmap); /*! Returns the index of slide currently shown in the middle of the viewport. */ int currentSlide() const;public slots: /*! Sets slide to be shown in the middle of the viewport. No animation effect will be produced, unlike using showSlide. */ void setCurrentSlide(int index); /*! Clears images of all slides. */ void clear(); /*! Rerender the widget. Normally this function will be automatically invoked whenever necessary, e.g. during the transition animation. */ void render(); /*! Shows previous slide using animation effect. */ void showPrevious(); /*! Shows next slide using animation effect. */ void showNext(); /*! Go to specified slide using animation effect. */ void showSlide(int index);signals: void itemActivated(int index); void inputReceived();protected: void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) override; void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *event) override; void mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override; void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override; void mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *event) override; void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) override; void timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event) override;private: PictureFlowPrivate* d;};#endif // PICTUREFLOW_H

#include "pictureflow.h"#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include static const int captionFontSize =#ifdef Q_WS_S60 8;#else 14;#endif// uncomment this to enable bilinear filtering for texture mapping// gives much better rendering, at the cost of memory space// #define PICTUREFLOW_BILINEAR_FILTER// for fixed-point arithmetic, we need minimum 32-bit long// long long (64-bit) might be useful for multiplication and divisiontypedef long PFreal;typedef unsigned short QRgb565;#define RGB565_RED_MASK 0xF800#define RGB565_GREEN_MASK 0x07E0#define RGB565_BLUE_MASK 0x001F#define RGB565_RED(col) ((col&RGB565_RED_MASK)>>11)#define RGB565_GREEN(col) ((col&RGB565_GREEN_MASK)>>5)#define RGB565_BLUE(col) (col&RGB565_BLUE_MASK)#define PFREAL_SHIFT 10#define PFREAL_FACTOR (1 << PFREAL_SHIFT)#define PFREAL_ONE (1 << PFREAL_SHIFT)#define PFREAL_HALF (PFREAL_ONE >> 1)inline PFreal fmul(PFreal a, PFreal b){ return ((long long)(a))*((long long)(b)) >> PFREAL_SHIFT;}inline PFreal fdiv(PFreal num, PFreal den){ long long p = (long long)(num) << (PFREAL_SHIFT*2); long long q = p / (long long)den; long long r = q >> PFREAL_SHIFT; return r;}inline float fixedToFloat(PFreal val){ return ((float)val) / (float)PFREAL_ONE;}inline PFreal floatToFixed(float val){ return (PFreal)(val*PFREAL_ONE);}#define IANGLE_MAX 1024#define IANGLE_MASK 1023// warning: regenerate the table if IANGLE_MAX and PFREAL_SHIFT are changed!static const PFreal sinTable[IANGLE_MAX] = { 3, 9, 15, 21, 28, 34, 40, 47, 53, 59, 65, 72, 78, 84, 90, 97, 103, 109, 115, 122, 128, 134, 140, 147, 153, 159, 165, 171, 178, 184, 190, 196, 202, 209, 215, 221, 227, 233, 239, 245, 251, 257, 264, 270, 276, 282, 288, 294, 300, 306, 312, 318, 324, 330, 336, 342, 347, 353, 359, 365, 371, 377, 383, 388, 394, 400, 406, 412, 417, 423, 429, 434, 440, 446, 451, 457, 463, 468, 474, 479, 485, 491, 496, 501, 507, 512, 518, 523, 529, 534, 539, 545, 550, 555, 561, 566, 571, 576, 581, 587, 592, 597, 602, 607, 612, 617, 622, 627, 632, 637, 642, 647, 652, 656, 661, 666, 671, 675, 680, 685, 690, 694, 699, 703, 708, 712, 717, 721, 726, 730, 735, 739, 743, 748, 752, 756, 760, 765, 769, 773, 777, 781, 785, 789, 793, 797, 801, 805, 809, 813, 816, 820, 824, 828, 831, 835, 839, 842, 846, 849, 853, 856, 860, 863, 866, 870, 873, 876, 879, 883, 886, 889, 892, 895, 898, 901, 904, 907, 910, 913, 916, 918, 921, 924, 927, 929, 932, 934, 937, 939, 942, 944, 947, 949, 951, 954, 956, 958, 960, 963, 965, 967, 969, 971, 973, 975, 977, 978, 980, 982, 984, 986, 987, 989, 990, 992, 994, 995, 997, 998, 999, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1014, 1015, 1015, 1016, 1017, 1018, 1018, 1019, 1019, 1020, 1020, 1021, 1021, 1022, 1022, 1022, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1023, 1022, 1022, 1022, 1021, 1021, 1020, 1020, 1019, 1019, 1018, 1018, 1017, 1016, 1015, 1015, 1014, 1013, 1012, 1011, 1010, 1009, 1008, 1007, 1006, 1004, 1003, 1002, 1001, 999, 998, 997, 995, 994, 992, 990, 989, 987, 986, 984, 982, 980, 978, 977, 975, 973, 971, 969, 967, 965, 963, 960, 958, 956, 954, 951, 949, 947, 944, 942, 939, 937, 934, 932, 929, 927, 924, 921, 918, 916, 913, 910, 907, 904, 901, 898, 895, 892, 889, 886, 883, 879, 876, 873, 870, 866, 863, 860, 856, 853, 849, 846, 842, 839, 835, 831, 828, 824, 820, 816, 813, 809, 805, 801, 797, 793, 789, 785, 781, 777, 773, 769, 765, 760, 756, 752, 748, 743, 739, 735, 730, 726, 721, 717, 712, 708, 703, 699, 694, 690, 685, 680, 675, 671, 666, 661, 656, 652, 647, 642, 637, 632, 627, 622, 617, 612, 607, 602, 597, 592, 587, 581, 576, 571, 566, 561, 555, 550, 545, 539, 534, 529, 523, 518, 512, 507, 501, 496, 491, 485, 479, 474, 468, 463, 457, 451, 446, 440, 434, 429, 423, 417, 412, 406, 400, 394, 388, 383, 377, 371, 365, 359, 353, 347, 342, 336, 330, 324, 318, 312, 306, 300, 294, 288, 282, 276, 270, 264, 257, 251, 245, 239, 233, 227, 221, 215, 209, 202, 196, 190, 184, 178, 171, 165, 159, 153, 147, 140, 134, 128, 122, 115, 109, 103, 97, 90, 84, 78, 72, 65, 59, 53, 47, 40, 34, 28, 21, 15, 9, 3, -4, -10, -16, -22, -29, -35, -41, -48, -54, -60, -66, -73, -79, -85, -91, -98, -104, -110, -116, -123, -129, -135, -141, -148, -154, -160, -166, -172, -179, -185, -191, -197, -203, -210, -216, -222, -228, -234, -240, -246, -252, -258, -265, -271, -277, -283, -289, -295, -301, -307, -313, -319, -325, -331, -337, -343, -348, -354, -360, -366, -372, -378, -384, -389, -395, -401, -407, -413, -418, -424, -430, -435, -441, -447, -452, -458, -464, -469, -475, -480, -486, -492, -497, -502, -508, -513, -519, -524, -530, -535, -540, -546, -551, -556, -562, -567, -572, -577, -582, -588, -593, -598, -603, -608, -613, -618, -623, -628, -633, -638, -643, -648, -653, -657, -662, -667, -672, -676, -681, -686, -691, -695, -700, -704, -709, -713, -718, -722, -727, -731, -736, -740, -744, -749, -753, -757, -761, -766, -770, -774, -778, -782, -786, -790, -794, -798, -802, -806, -810, -814, -817, -821, -825, -829, -832, -836, -840, -843, -847, -850, -854, -857, -861, -864, -867, -871, -874, -877, -880, -884, -887, -890, -893, -896, -899, -902, -905, -908, -911, -914, -917, -919, -922, -925, -928, -930, -933, -935, -938, -940, -943, -945, -948, -950, -952, -955, -957, -959, -961, -964, -966, -968, -970, -972, -974, -976, -978, -979, -981, -983, -985, -987, -988, -990, -991, -993, -995, -996, -998, -999, -1000, -1002, -1003, -1004, -1005, -1007, -1008, -1009, -1010, -1011, -1012, -1013, -1014, -1015, -1016, -1016, -1017, -1018, -1019, -1019, -1020, -1020, -1021, -1021, -1022, -1022, -1023, -1023, -1023, -1024, -1024, -1024, -1024, -1024, -1024, -1024, -1024, -1024, -1024, -1024, -1024, -1024, -1024, -1023, -1023, -1023, -1022, -1022, -1021, -1021, -1020, -1020, -1019, -1019, -1018, -1017, -1016, -1016, -1015, -1014, -1013, -1012, -1011, -1010, -1009, -1008, -1007, -1005, -1004, -1003, -1002, -1000, -999, -998, -996, -995, -993, -991, -990, -988, -987, -985, -983, -981, -979, -978, -976, -974, -972, -970, -968, -966, -964, -961, -959, -957, -955, -952, -950, -948, -945, -943, -940, -938, -935, -933, -930, -928, -925, -922, -919, -917, -914, -911, -908, -905, -902, -899, -896, -893, -890, -887, -884, -880, -877, -874, -871, -867, -864, -861, -857, -854, -850, -847, -843, -840, -836, -832, -829, -825, -821, -817, -814, -810, -806, -802, -798, -794, -790, -786, -782, -778, -774, -770, -766, -761, -757, -753, -749, -744, -740, -736, -731, -727, -722, -718, -713, -709, -704, -700, -695, -691, -686, -681, -676, -672, -667, -662, -657, -653, -648, -643, -638, -633, -628, -623, -618, -613, -608, -603, -598, -593, -588, -582, -577, -572, -567, -562, -556, -551, -546, -540, -535, -530, -524, -519, -513, -508, -502, -497, -492, -486, -480, -475, -469, -464, -458, -452, -447, -441, -435, -430, -424, -418, -413, -407, -401, -395, -389, -384, -378, -372, -366, -360, -354, -348, -343, -337, -331, -325, -319, -313, -307, -301, -295, -289, -283, -277, -271, -265, -258, -252, -246, -240, -234, -228, -222, -216, -210, -203, -197, -191, -185, -179, -172, -166, -160, -154, -148, -141, -135, -129, -123, -116, -110, -104, -98, -91, -85, -79, -73, -66, -60, -54, -48, -41, -35, -29, -22, -16, -10, -4};// this is the program the generate the above table#if 0#include #include #ifndef M_PI#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846#endif#define PFREAL_ONE 1024#define IANGLE_MAX 1024int main(int, char**){ FILE*f = fopen("table.c","wt"); fprintf(f,"PFreal sinTable[] = {\n"); for(int i = 0; i < 128; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < 8; j++) { int iang = j+i*8; double ii = (double)iang + 0.5; double angle = ii * 2 * M_PI / IANGLE_MAX; double sinAngle = sin(angle); fprintf(f,"%6d, ", (int)(floor(PFREAL_ONE*sinAngle))); } fprintf(f,"\n"); } fprintf(f,"};\n"); fclose(f); return 0;}#endifinline PFreal fsin(int iangle){ while(iangle < 0) iangle += IANGLE_MAX; return sinTable[iangle & IANGLE_MASK];}inline PFreal fcos(int iangle){ // quarter phase shift return fsin(iangle + (IANGLE_MAX >> 2));}struct SlideInfo{ int slideIndex; int angle; PFreal cx; PFreal cy;};class PictureFlowPrivate{public: PictureFlowPrivate(PictureFlow* widget); int slideCount() const; void setSlideCount(int count); QSize slideSize() const; void setSlideSize(QSize size); int zoomFactor() const; void setZoomFactor(int z); QImage slide(int index) const; void setSlide(int index, const QImage& image); int currentSlide() const; void setCurrentSlide(int index); int getTarget() const; void showPrevious(); void showNext(); void showSlide(int index); void resize(int w, int h); void render(); void startAnimation(); void updateAnimation(); void clearSurfaceCache(); QImage buffer; QBasicTimer animateTimer; bool singlePress; int singlePressThreshold; QPoint firstPress; QPoint previousPos; QTime previousPosTimestamp; int pixelDistanceMoved; int pixelsToMovePerSlide; QVector captions;private: PictureFlow* widget; int slideWidth; int slideHeight; int zoom; QVector slideImages; int centerIndex; SlideInfo centerSlide; QVector leftSlides; QVector rightSlides; QVector rays; int itilt; int spacing; PFreal offsetX; PFreal offsetY; QImage blankSurface; QCache surfaceCache; QTimer triggerTimer; int slideFrame; int step; int target; int fade; void recalc(int w, int h); QRect renderSlide(const SlideInfo &slide, int alpha=256, int col1=-1, int col=-1); QImage* surface(int slideIndex); void triggerRender(); void resetSlides();};PictureFlowPrivate::PictureFlowPrivate(PictureFlow* w){ widget = w; slideWidth = 200; slideHeight = 200; zoom = 100; centerIndex = 0; slideFrame = 0; step = 0; target = 0; fade = 256; triggerTimer.setSingleShot(true); triggerTimer.setInterval(0); QObject::connect(&triggerTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), widget, SLOT(render())); recalc(200, 200); resetSlides();}int PictureFlowPrivate::slideCount() const{ return slideImages.count();}void PictureFlowPrivate::setSlideCount(int count){ slideImages.resize(count); captions.resize(count); surfaceCache.clear(); resetSlides(); triggerRender();}QSize PictureFlowPrivate::slideSize() const{ return QSize(slideWidth, slideHeight);}void PictureFlowPrivate::setSlideSize(QSize size){ slideWidth = size.width(); slideHeight = size.height(); recalc(buffer.width(), buffer.height()); triggerRender();}int PictureFlowPrivate::zoomFactor() const{ return zoom;}void PictureFlowPrivate::setZoomFactor(int z){ if(z <= 0) return; zoom = z; recalc(buffer.width(), buffer.height()); triggerRender();}QImage PictureFlowPrivate::slide(int index) const{ return slideImages[index];}void PictureFlowPrivate::setSlide(int index, const QImage& image){ if((index >= 0) && (index < slideImages.count())) { slideImages[index] = image; surfaceCache.remove(index); triggerRender(); }}int PictureFlowPrivate::getTarget() const{ return target;}int PictureFlowPrivate::currentSlide() const{ return centerIndex;}void PictureFlowPrivate::setCurrentSlide(int index){ step = 0; centerIndex = qBound(index, 0, slideImages.count()-1); target = centerIndex; slideFrame = index << 16; resetSlides(); triggerRender();}void PictureFlowPrivate::showPrevious(){ if(step >= 0) { if(centerIndex > 0) { target--; startAnimation(); } } else { target = qMax(0, centerIndex - 2); }}void PictureFlowPrivate::showNext(){ if(step <= 0) { if(centerIndex < slideImages.count()-1) { target++; startAnimation(); } } else { target = qMin(centerIndex + 2, slideImages.count()-1); }}void PictureFlowPrivate::showSlide(int index){ index = qMax(index, 0); index = qMin(slideImages.count()-1, index); if(index == centerSlide.slideIndex) return; target = index; startAnimation();}void PictureFlowPrivate::resize(int w, int h){ recalc(w, h); resetSlides(); triggerRender();}// adjust slides so that they are in "steady state" positionvoid PictureFlowPrivate::resetSlides(){ centerSlide.angle = 0; centerSlide.cx = 0; centerSlide.cy = 0; centerSlide.slideIndex = centerIndex; leftSlides.clear(); leftSlides.resize(3); for(int i = 0; i < leftSlides.count(); i++) { SlideInfo& si = leftSlides[i]; si.angle = itilt; si.cx = -(offsetX + spacing*i*PFREAL_ONE); si.cy = offsetY; si.slideIndex = centerIndex-1-i; //qDebug() << "Left[" << i << "] x=" << fixedToFloat(si.cx) << ", y=" << fixedToFloat(si.cy) ; } rightSlides.clear(); rightSlides.resize(3); for(int i = 0; i < rightSlides.count(); i++) { SlideInfo& si = rightSlides[i]; si.angle = -itilt; si.cx = offsetX + spacing*i*PFREAL_ONE; si.cy = offsetY; si.slideIndex = centerIndex+1+i; //qDebug() << "Right[" << i << "] x=" << fixedToFloat(si.cx) << ", y=" << fixedToFloat(si.cy) ; }}#define BILINEAR_STRETCH_HOR 4#define BILINEAR_STRETCH_VER 4static QImage prepareSurface(QImage img, int w, int h){ Qt::TransformationMode mode = Qt::SmoothTransformation; img = img.scaled(w, h, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, mode); // slightly larger, to accommodate for the reflection int hs = h * 2; int hofs = h / 3; // offscreen buffer: black is sweet QImage result(hs, w, QImage::Format_RGB16); result.fill(0); // transpose the image, this is to speed-up the rendering // because we process one column at a time // (and much better and faster to work row-wise, i.e in one scanline) for(int x = 0; x < w; x++) for(int y = 0; y < h; y++) result.setPixel(hofs + y, x, img.pixel(x, y)); // create the reflection int ht = hs - h - hofs; int hte = ht; for(int x = 0; x < w; x++) for(int y = 0; y < ht; y++) { QRgb color = img.pixel(x, img.height()-y-1); //QRgb565 color = img.scanLine(img.height()-y-1) + x*sizeof(QRgb565); //img.pixel(x, img.height()-y-1); int a = qAlpha(color); int r = qRed(color) * a / 256 * (hte - y) / hte * 3/5; int g = qGreen(color) * a / 256 * (hte - y) / hte * 3/5; int b = qBlue(color) * a / 256 * (hte - y) / hte * 3/5; result.setPixel(h+hofs+y, x, qRgb(r, g, b)); }#ifdef PICTUREFLOW_BILINEAR_FILTER int hh = BILINEAR_STRETCH_VER*hs; int ww = BILINEAR_STRETCH_HOR*w; result = result.scaled(hh, ww, Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation);#endif return result;}// get transformed image for specified slide// if it does not exist, create it and place it in the cacheQImage* PictureFlowPrivate::surface(int slideIndex){ if(slideIndex < 0) return 0; if(slideIndex >= slideImages.count()) return 0; if(surfaceCache.contains(slideIndex)) return surfaceCache[slideIndex]; QImage img = widget->slide(slideIndex); if(img.isNull()) { if(blankSurface.isNull()) { blankSurface = QImage(slideWidth, slideHeight, QImage::Format_RGB16); QPainter painter(&blankSurface); QPoint p1(slideWidth*4/10, 0); QPoint p2(slideWidth*6/10, slideHeight); QLinearGradient linearGrad(p1, p2); linearGrad.setColorAt(0, Qt::black); linearGrad.setColorAt(1, Qt::white); painter.setBrush(linearGrad); painter.fillRect(0, 0, slideWidth, slideHeight, QBrush(linearGrad)); painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(64,64,64), 4)); painter.setBrush(QBrush()); painter.drawRect(2, 2, slideWidth-3, slideHeight-3); painter.end(); blankSurface = prepareSurface(blankSurface, slideWidth, slideHeight); } return &blankSurface; } surfaceCache.insert(slideIndex, new QImage(prepareSurface(img, slideWidth, slideHeight))); return surfaceCache[slideIndex];}// Schedules rendering the slides. Call this function to avoid immediate// render and thus cause less flicker.void PictureFlowPrivate::triggerRender(){ triggerTimer.start();}// Render the slides. Updates only the offscreen buffer.void PictureFlowPrivate::render(){ buffer.fill(0); int nleft = leftSlides.count(); int nright = rightSlides.count(); QRect r = renderSlide(centerSlide); int c1 = r.left(); int c2 = r.right(); if(step == 0) { // no animation, boring plain rendering for(int index = 0; index < nleft-1; index++) { int alpha = (index < nleft-2) ? 256 : 128; QRect rs = renderSlide(leftSlides[index], alpha, 0, c1-1); if(!rs.isEmpty()) c1 = rs.left(); } for(int index = 0; index < nright-1; index++) { int alpha = (index < nright-2) ? 256 : 128; QRect rs = renderSlide(rightSlides[index], alpha, c2+1, buffer.width()); if(!rs.isEmpty()) c2 = rs.right(); } QPainter painter; painter.begin(&buffer); QFont font("Arial", captionFontSize); font.setBold(true); painter.setFont(font); painter.setPen(Qt::white); //painter.setPen(QColor(255,255,255,127)); if (!captions.isEmpty()) painter.drawText( QRect(0,0, buffer.width(), (buffer.height() - slideSize().height())/4), Qt::AlignCenter, captions[centerIndex]); painter.end(); } else { // the first and last slide must fade in/fade out for(int index = 0; index < nleft; index++) { int alpha = 256; if(index == nleft-1) alpha = (step > 0) ? 0 : 128-fade/2; if(index == nleft-2) alpha = (step > 0) ? 128-fade/2 : 256-fade/2; if(index == nleft-3) alpha = (step > 0) ? 256-fade/2 : 256; QRect rs = renderSlide(leftSlides[index], alpha, 0, c1-1); if(!rs.isEmpty()) c1 = rs.left(); alpha = (step > 0) ? 256-fade/2 : 256; } for(int index = 0; index < nright; index++) { int alpha = (index < nright-2) ? 256 : 128; if(index == nright-1) alpha = (step > 0) ? fade/2 : 0; if(index == nright-2) alpha = (step > 0) ? 128+fade/2 : fade/2; if(index == nright-3) alpha = (step > 0) ? 256 : 128+fade/2; QRect rs = renderSlide(rightSlides[index], alpha, c2+1, buffer.width()); if(!rs.isEmpty()) c2 = rs.right(); } QPainter painter; painter.begin(&buffer); QFont font("Arial", captionFontSize); font.setBold(true); painter.setFont(font); int leftTextIndex = (step>0) ? centerIndex : centerIndex-1; painter.setPen(QColor(255,255,255, (255-fade) )); painter.drawText( QRect(0,0, buffer.width(), (buffer.height() - slideSize().height())/4), Qt::AlignCenter, captions[leftTextIndex]); painter.setPen(QColor(255,255,255, fade)); painter.drawText( QRect(0,0, buffer.width(), (buffer.height() - slideSize().height())/4), Qt::AlignCenter, captions[leftTextIndex+1]); painter.end(); }}static inline uint BYTE_MUL_RGB16(uint x, uint a) { a += 1; uint t = (((x & 0x07e0)*a) >> 8) & 0x07e0; t |= (((x & 0xf81f)*(a>>2)) >> 6) & 0xf81f; return t;}static inline uint BYTE_MUL_RGB16_32(uint x, uint a) { uint t = (((x & 0xf81f07e0) >> 5)*a) & 0xf81f07e0; t |= (((x & 0x07e0f81f)*a) >> 5) & 0x07e0f81f; return t;}// Renders a slide to offscreen buffer. Returns a rect of the rendered area.// alpha=256 means normal, alpha=0 is fully black, alpha=128 half transparent// col1 and col2 limit the column for rendering.QRect PictureFlowPrivate::renderSlide(const SlideInfo &slide, int alpha, int col1, int col2){ QImage* src = surface(slide.slideIndex); if(!src) return QRect(); QRect rect(0, 0, 0, 0);#ifdef PICTUREFLOW_BILINEAR_FILTER int sw = src->height() / BILINEAR_STRETCH_HOR; int sh = src->width() / BILINEAR_STRETCH_VER;#else int sw = src->height(); int sh = src->width();#endif int h = buffer.height(); int w = buffer.width(); if(col1 > col2) { int c = col2; col2 = col1; col1 = c; } col1 = (col1 >= 0) ? col1 : 0; col2 = (col2 >= 0) ? col2 : w-1; col1 = qMin(col1, w-1); col2 = qMin(col2, w-1); int distance = h * 100 / zoom; PFreal sdx = fcos(slide.angle); PFreal sdy = fsin(slide.angle); PFreal xs = slide.cx - slideWidth * sdx/2; PFreal ys = slide.cy - slideWidth * sdy/2; PFreal dist = distance * PFREAL_ONE; int xi = qMax((PFreal)0, ((w*PFREAL_ONE/2) + fdiv(xs*h, dist+ys)) >> PFREAL_SHIFT); if(xi >= w) return rect; bool flag = false; rect.setLeft(xi); for(int x = qMax(xi, col1); x <= col2; x++) { PFreal hity = 0; PFreal fk = rays[x]; if(sdy) { fk = fk - fdiv(sdx,sdy); hity = -fdiv((rays[x]*distance - slide.cx + slide.cy*sdx/sdy), fk); } dist = distance*PFREAL_ONE + hity; if(dist < 0) continue; PFreal hitx = fmul(dist, rays[x]); PFreal hitdist = fdiv(hitx - slide.cx, sdx);#ifdef PICTUREFLOW_BILINEAR_FILTER int column = sw*BILINEAR_STRETCH_HOR/2 + (hitdist*BILINEAR_STRETCH_HOR >> PFREAL_SHIFT); if(column >= sw*BILINEAR_STRETCH_HOR) break;#else int column = sw/2 + (hitdist >> PFREAL_SHIFT); if(column >= sw) break;#endif if(column < 0) continue; rect.setRight(x); if(!flag) rect.setLeft(x); flag = true; int y1 = h/2; int y2 = y1+ 1; QRgb565* pixel1 = (QRgb565*)(buffer.scanLine(y1)) + x; QRgb565* pixel2 = (QRgb565*)(buffer.scanLine(y2)) + x; int pixelstep = pixel2 - pixel1;#ifdef PICTUREFLOW_BILINEAR_FILTER int center = (sh*BILINEAR_STRETCH_VER/2); int dy = dist*BILINEAR_STRETCH_VER / h;#else int center = (sh/2); int dy = dist / h;#endif int p1 = center*PFREAL_ONE - dy/2; int p2 = center*PFREAL_ONE + dy/2; const QRgb565 *ptr = (const QRgb565*)(src->scanLine(column)); if(alpha == 256) while((y1 >= 0) && (y2 < h) && (p1 >= 0)) { *pixel1 = ptr[p1 >> PFREAL_SHIFT]; *pixel2 = ptr[p2 >> PFREAL_SHIFT]; p1 -= dy; p2 += dy; y1--; y2++; pixel1 -= pixelstep; pixel2 += pixelstep; } else while((y1 >= 0) && (y2 < h) && (p1 >= 0)) { QRgb565 c1 = ptr[p1 >> PFREAL_SHIFT]; QRgb565 c2 = ptr[p2 >> PFREAL_SHIFT]; *pixel1 = BYTE_MUL_RGB16(c1, alpha); *pixel2 = BYTE_MUL_RGB16(c2, alpha);/* int r1 = qRed(c1) * alpha/256; int g1 = qGreen(c1) * alpha/256; int b1 = qBlue(c1) * alpha/256; int r2 = qRed(c2) * alpha/256; int g2 = qGreen(c2) * alpha/256; int b2 = qBlue(c2) * alpha/256; *pixel1 = qRgb(r1, g1, b1); *pixel2 = qRgb(r2, g2, b2);*/ p1 -= dy; p2 += dy; y1--; y2++; pixel1 -= pixelstep; pixel2 += pixelstep; } } rect.setTop(0); rect.setBottom(h-1); return rect;}// Updates look-up table and other stuff necessary for the rendering.// Call this when the viewport size or slide dimension is changed.void PictureFlowPrivate::recalc(int ww, int wh){ int w = (ww+1)/2; int h = (wh+1)/2; buffer = QImage(ww, wh, QImage::Format_RGB16); buffer.fill(0); rays.resize(w*2); for(int i = 0; i < w; i++) { PFreal gg = (PFREAL_HALF + i * PFREAL_ONE) / (2*h); rays[w-i-1] = -gg; rays[w+i] = gg; } // pointer must move more than 1/15 of the window to enter drag mode singlePressThreshold = ww / 15;// qDebug() << "singlePressThreshold now set to " << singlePressThreshold; pixelsToMovePerSlide = ww / 3;// qDebug() << "pixelsToMovePerSlide now set to " << pixelsToMovePerSlide; itilt = 80 * IANGLE_MAX / 360; // approx. 80 degrees tilted offsetY = slideWidth/2 * fsin(itilt); offsetY += slideWidth * PFREAL_ONE / 4;// offsetX = slideWidth/2 * (PFREAL_ONE-fcos(itilt));// offsetX += slideWidth * PFREAL_ONE; // center slide + side slide offsetX = slideWidth*PFREAL_ONE;// offsetX = 150*PFREAL_ONE;//(slideWidth/2)*PFREAL_ONE + ( slideWidth*fcos(itilt) )/2;// qDebug() << "center width = " << slideWidth;// qDebug() << "side width = " << fixedToFloat(slideWidth/2 * (PFREAL_ONE-fcos(itilt)));// qDebug() << "offsetX now " << fixedToFloat(offsetX); spacing = slideWidth/5; surfaceCache.clear(); blankSurface = QImage();}void PictureFlowPrivate::startAnimation(){ if(!animateTimer.isActive()) { step = (target < centerSlide.slideIndex) ? -1 : 1; animateTimer.start(30, widget); }}// Updates the animation effect. Call this periodically from a timer.void PictureFlowPrivate::updateAnimation(){ if(!animateTimer.isActive()) return; if(step == 0) return; int speed = 16384; // deaccelerate when approaching the target if(true) { const int max = 2 * 65536; int fi = slideFrame; fi -= (target << 16); if(fi < 0) fi = -fi; fi = qMin(fi, max); int ia = IANGLE_MAX * (fi-max/2) / (max*2); speed = 512 + 16384 * (PFREAL_ONE+fsin(ia))/PFREAL_ONE; } slideFrame += speed*step; int index = slideFrame >> 16; int pos = slideFrame & 0xffff; int neg = 65536 - pos; int tick = (step < 0) ? neg : pos; PFreal ftick = (tick * PFREAL_ONE) >> 16; // the leftmost and rightmost slide must fade away fade = pos / 256; if(step < 0) index++; if(centerIndex != index) { centerIndex = index; slideFrame = index << 16; centerSlide.slideIndex = centerIndex; for(int i = 0; i < leftSlides.count(); i++) leftSlides[i].slideIndex = centerIndex-1-i; for(int i = 0; i < rightSlides.count(); i++) rightSlides[i].slideIndex = centerIndex+1+i; } centerSlide.angle = (step * tick * itilt) >> 16; centerSlide.cx = -step * fmul(offsetX, ftick); centerSlide.cy = fmul(offsetY, ftick); if(centerIndex == target) { resetSlides(); animateTimer.stop(); triggerRender(); step = 0; fade = 256; return; } for(int i = 0; i < leftSlides.count(); i++) { SlideInfo& si = leftSlides[i]; si.angle = itilt; si.cx = -(offsetX + spacing*i*PFREAL_ONE + step*spacing*ftick); si.cy = offsetY; } for(int i = 0; i < rightSlides.count(); i++) { SlideInfo& si = rightSlides[i]; si.angle = -itilt; si.cx = offsetX + spacing*i*PFREAL_ONE - step*spacing*ftick; si.cy = offsetY; } if(step > 0) { PFreal ftick = (neg * PFREAL_ONE) >> 16; rightSlides[0].angle = -(neg * itilt) >> 16; rightSlides[0].cx = fmul(offsetX, ftick); rightSlides[0].cy = fmul(offsetY, ftick); } else { PFreal ftick = (pos * PFREAL_ONE) >> 16; leftSlides[0].angle = (pos * itilt) >> 16; leftSlides[0].cx = -fmul(offsetX, ftick); leftSlides[0].cy = fmul(offsetY, ftick); } // must change direction ? if(target < index) if(step > 0) step = -1; if(target > index) if(step < 0) step = 1; triggerRender();}void PictureFlowPrivate::clearSurfaceCache(){ surfaceCache.clear();}// -----------------------------------------PictureFlow::PictureFlow(QWidget* parent): QWidget(parent){ d = new PictureFlowPrivate(this); setAttribute(Qt::WA_StaticContents, true); setAttribute(Qt::WA_OpaquePaintEvent, true); setAttribute(Qt::WA_NoSystemBackground, true);}PictureFlow::~PictureFlow(){ delete d;}int PictureFlow::slideCount() const{ return d->slideCount();}void PictureFlow::setSlideCount(int count){ d->setSlideCount(count);}QSize PictureFlow::slideSize() const{ return d->slideSize();}void PictureFlow::setSlideSize(QSize size){ d->setSlideSize(size);}int PictureFlow::zoomFactor() const{ return d->zoomFactor();}void PictureFlow::setZoomFactor(int z){ d->setZoomFactor(z);}QImage PictureFlow::slide(int index) const{ return d->slide(index);}void PictureFlow::setSlide(int index, const QImage& image){ d->setSlide(index, image);}void PictureFlow::setSlide(int index, const QPixmap& pixmap){ d->setSlide(index, pixmap.toImage());}void PictureFlow::setSlideCaption(int index, QString caption){ d->captions[index] = caption;}int PictureFlow::currentSlide() const{ return d->currentSlide();}void PictureFlow::setCurrentSlide(int index){ d->setCurrentSlide(index);}void PictureFlow::clear(){ d->setSlideCount(0);}void PictureFlow::clearCaches(){ d->clearSurfaceCache();}void PictureFlow::render(){ d->render(); update();}void PictureFlow::showPrevious(){ d->showPrevious();}void PictureFlow::showNext(){ d->showNext();}void PictureFlow::showSlide(int index){ d->showSlide(index);}void PictureFlow::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event){ if(event->key() == Qt::Key_Left) { if(event->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier) showSlide(currentSlide()-10); else showPrevious(); event->accept(); return; } if(event->key() == Qt::Key_Right) { if(event->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier) showSlide(currentSlide()+10); else showNext(); event->accept(); return; } if (event->key() == Qt::Key_Enter || event->key() == Qt::Key_Select) { emit itemActivated(d->getTarget()); event->accept(); return; } event->ignore();}#define SPEED_LOWER_THRESHOLD 10#define SPEED_UPPER_LIMIT 40void PictureFlow::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent* event){ int distanceMovedSinceLastEvent = event->pos().x() - d->previousPos.x(); // Check to see if we need to switch from single press mode to a drag mode if (d->singlePress) { // Increment the distance moved for this event d->pixelDistanceMoved += distanceMovedSinceLastEvent; // Check against threshold if (qAbs(d->pixelDistanceMoved) > d->singlePressThreshold) { d->singlePress = false;// qDebug() << "DRAG MODE ON"; } } if (!d->singlePress) { int speed; // Calculate velocity in a 10th of a window width per second if (d->previousPosTimestamp.elapsed() == 0) speed = SPEED_LOWER_THRESHOLD; else { speed = ((qAbs(event->pos().x()-d->previousPos.x())*1000) / d->previousPosTimestamp.elapsed()) / (d->buffer.width() / 10); if (speed < SPEED_LOWER_THRESHOLD) speed = SPEED_LOWER_THRESHOLD; else if (speed > SPEED_UPPER_LIMIT) speed = SPEED_UPPER_LIMIT; else { speed = SPEED_LOWER_THRESHOLD + (speed / 3);// qDebug() << "ACCELERATION ENABLED Speed = " << speed << ", Distance = " << distanceMovedSinceLastEvent; } }// qDebug() << "Speed = " << speed;// int incr = ((event->pos().x() - d->previousPos.x())/10) * speed;// qDebug() << "Incremented by " << incr; int incr = (distanceMovedSinceLastEvent * speed); //qDebug() << "(distanceMovedSinceLastEvent * speed) = " << incr; if (incr > d->pixelsToMovePerSlide*2) { incr = d->pixelsToMovePerSlide*2; //qDebug() << "Limiting incr to " << incr; } d->pixelDistanceMoved += (distanceMovedSinceLastEvent * speed); // qDebug() << "distance: " << d->pixelDistanceMoved; int slideInc; slideInc = d->pixelDistanceMoved / (d->pixelsToMovePerSlide * 10); if (slideInc != 0) { int targetSlide = d->getTarget() - slideInc; showSlide(targetSlide);// qDebug() << "TargetSlide = " << targetSlide; //qDebug() << "Decrementing pixelDistanceMoved by " << (d->pixelsToMovePerSlide *10) * slideInc; d->pixelDistanceMoved -= (d->pixelsToMovePerSlide *10) * slideInc;/* if ( (targetSlide <= 0) || (targetSlide >= d->slideCount()-1) ) d->pixelDistanceMoved = 0;*/ } } d->previousPos = event->pos(); d->previousPosTimestamp.restart(); emit inputReceived();}void PictureFlow::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event){ d->firstPress = event->pos(); d->previousPos = event->pos(); d->previousPosTimestamp.start(); d->singlePress = true; // Initially assume a single press// d->dragStartSlide = d->getTarget(); d->pixelDistanceMoved = 0; emit inputReceived();}void PictureFlow::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent* event){ int sideWidth = (d->buffer.width() - slideSize().width()) /2; if (d->singlePress) { if (event->x() < sideWidth ) { showPrevious(); } else if ( event->x() > sideWidth + slideSize().width() ) { showNext(); } else { emit itemActivated(d->getTarget()); } event->accept(); } emit inputReceived();}void PictureFlow::paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event){ Q_UNUSED(event); QPainter painter(this); painter.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, false); painter.drawImage(QPoint(0,0), d->buffer);}void PictureFlow::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* event){ d->resize(width(), height()); QWidget::resizeEvent(event);}void PictureFlow::timerEvent(QTimerEvent* event){ if(event->timerId() == d->animateTimer.timerId()) {// QTime now = QTime::currentTime(); d->updateAnimation();// d->animateTimer.start(qMax(0, 30-now.elapsed() ), this); } else QWidget::timerEvent(event);}

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