
网友投稿 878 2022-10-17



Django-Heroku (Python Library)

This is a Django library for Heroku applications that ensures a seamless deployment and development experience.

This library provides:

Settings configuration (Static files / WhiteNoise).Logging configuration.Test runner (important for Heroku CI).

Django 2.0 is targeted, but older versions of Django should be compatible. Only Python 3 is supported.

Usage of Django-Heroku

In settings.py, at the very bottom:

…# Configure Django App for Heroku.import django_herokudjango_heroku.settings(locals())

This will automatically configure DATABASE_URL, ALLOWED_HOSTS, WhiteNoise (for static assets), Logging, and Heroku CI for your application.

Bonus points! If you set the SECRET_KEY environment variable, it will automatically be used in your Django settings, too!

Disabling Functionality

settings() also accepts keyword arguments that can be passed False as a value, which will disable automatic configuration for their specific areas of responsibility:


You can also just use this library to provide a test runner for your Django application, for use on Heroku CI:

import django_herokuTEST_RUNNER = 'django_heroku.HerokuDiscoverRunner'

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