oi-有 CLI 界面的,可长期运行的应用进程编辑框架

网友投稿 589 2022-10-17

oi-有 CLI 界面的,可长期运行的应用进程编辑框架

oi-有 CLI 界面的,可长期运行的应用进程编辑框架


python library for writing long running processes with a cli interface


Note: You need nanomsg installed on your system:

$ git clone git@github.com:nanomsg/nanomsg.git$ cd nanomsg$ ./configure$ make$ make check$ sudo make install

Then install oi

$ pip install oi


####1. Write your long running program

# programd.pyimport oiprogram = oi.Program('my program', 'ipc:///tmp/program.sock')program.add_command('ping', lambda: 'pong')program.add_command('state', lambda: program.state)program.run() # program will run forever

####2. Add a ctl interface

# programctl.pyimport oictl = oi.CtlProgram('ctl program', address='ipc:///tmp/program.sock')ctl.run()

####3. Run program, then connect to it via ctl

# Run process$ python programd# OR with a configuration file$ python programd --config /etc/program.conf$ python programctl # enter ctl loopprogramctl > pingpong# OR ping end exit$ python programctl ping

Quickly get started with a new project

$ mkdir xprogram$ cd xprogram$ oi init$ make install# Start your program$ xprogramd# Start ctl program$ xprogramctlctl > pingpong# Upload to pypi (Edit setup.py before distributing)$ make distribute

Now the interesting bit. Are you ready?

Run your program on one computer, then control it from another with a single line change (actually two).

Just change the address ipc:///tmp/program.sock to a tcp address, such as tcp:// in both your programd.py and programctl.py. That's it! (:


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上一篇:听小董谝存储 一

