ZKWeb:一个灵活的Web框架支持.Net框架和.Net Core

网友投稿 1044 2022-10-17

ZKWeb:一个灵活的Web框架支持.Net框架和.Net Core

ZKWeb:一个灵活的Web框架支持.Net框架和.Net Core


ZKWeb is a flexible web framework for .NET Framework and .NET Core.

Why created this framework?

I want a better plugin system, one folder one plugin just like djangoI want an independent mvc framework, because MS change their architecture too oftenI want a powerful template system enough to implemente a visual page editor


.NET Core Support Support both .NET Framework and .NET Core Plugin System One folder one plugin, each contains everything it needsAutomatic compile and reload after source code has changedBased on Roslyn compiler Template System Django style overlapping template file system One plugin can just override other plugin's template Template specialization for mobile or pcArea-Widget style dynamic contents system Able to implement a visual page editor based on this feature Per-widget render cache Most times it's better than cache the whole page Based on DotLiquid IoC Container FastProvide IServiceProvider integrationZKWeb own implementation Multiple Host Environment Support Asp.NETSupport Asp.NET CoreSupport OwinUse the common abstraction layer can make a plugin support all of this without different code Multiple ORM Support DapperSupport EntityFramework Core (with full automatic database migration)Support InMemorySupport MongoDBSupport NHibernate (with full automatic database migration)Use the common abstraction layer can make a plugin support all of this with less different code Localization Multi-language support, with gettext style translationMulti-timezone support Caching Policy based isolated cache Isolated by device, request url, and more... Abstraction layer for key-value cache File Storage Abstraction layer for file storage Testing Console and web test runnerSupport IoC container overriddenSupport Http context overriddenSupport temporary database Project Toolkits Project CreatorWebsite Publisher Linux support Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 64bitCentOS 7.2 64bitFedora 24 64bit

Features from the default plugin collection

Form generation and validationAjax table generationCRUD page scaffoldingScheduled TasksCaptchaAdmin PanelAutomatic pesudo staticMulti-Currency and RegionAnd More...

Getting Started

In Short: Open 'Tools\ProjectCreator.Gui.Windows\ZKWeb.Toolkits.ProjectCreator.Gui.exe' and create the project.

You can read README.md under Tools first, for more information please see the documents. For now there only chinese documents, if you can't read chinese please ask the questions in 'Issues'. For those chinese software engineers, is recommended to join QQ group 522083886 for further discuss.


Links and License

Homepage: https://zkweb.app.compiv.com Demo: https://zkweb-demo.app.compiv.com (Login: demo 123456) MVVM Demo: https://zkweb-mvvm-demo.app.compiv.com (Login: admin 123456)

Plugins: https://github.com/zkweb-framework/ZKWeb.Plugins Documents: https://zkweb-framework.github.io (Chinese) References: https://zkweb-framework.github.io/cn_v2.0/references/zkweb/ZKWebReferences.chm

MIT License Copyright © 2016~2019 303248153@github If you have any license issue please contact 303248153@qq.com.

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