Reuzel:小巧的 C++ 线程池库

网友投稿 903 2022-10-14

Reuzel:小巧的 C++ 线程池库

Reuzel:小巧的 C++ 线程池库


Reuzel is a tiny C++ thread pool with these features:

Only runs on LinuxC++11 syntax and POSIX ThreadsSimple APIStarts all threads on creation of the thread poolStops and joins all threads on destroy

Build and example

The thread pool uses C++11 syntax and POSIX Threads so if you compile with g++ on Linux you have to use the flags '-lpthread', '-std=c++11' like this:

g++ -std=c++11 ThreadPool.cpp Thread.cpp example.cpp -lpthread -o example

Then run the executable like this:


if you want to run the test example:


Building with Buck

Reuzel can also be built using Buck:

buck build :reuzel

To run the test example:

buck run test/

Basic Usage

Include the header file in your source file:#include "ThreadPool.h"Create a thread pool:ThreadPool thpool;Set max size of task queue, and create worker threads:setMaxQueueSize(), start();Add task to the pool:addTask();


You are very welcome to contribute!

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