
网友投稿 1280 2022-10-13




An adorable little framework and command line tool for interacting with SourceKit.

SourceKitten links and communicates with sourcekitd.framework to parse the Swift AST, extract comment docs for Swift or Objective-C projects, get syntax data for a Swift file and lots more!


Building SourceKitten requires Xcode 10.2 or later or a Swift 5.0 toolchain or later with the Swift Package Manager.

SourceKitten typically supports previous versions of SourceKit.


Run brew install sourcekitten.

Swift Package Manager

Run swift build in the root directory of this project.

Xcode (via Make)

Run make install in the root directory of this project.


Download and open SourceKitten.pkg from the releases tab.

Command Line Usage

Once SourceKitten is installed, you may use it from the command line.

$ sourcekitten helpAvailable commands: complete Generate code completion options doc Print Swift or Objective-C docs as jsON format Format Swift file help Display general or command-specific help index Index Swift file and print as JSON request Run a raw sourcekit request structure Print Swift structure information as JSON syntax Print Swift syntax information as JSON version Display the current version of SourceKitten

How is SourceKit resolved?

SourceKitten searches for SourceKit in the following order:


On Linux, SourceKit is expected to be located in /usr/lib/ or specified by the LINUX_SOURCEKIT_LIB_PATH environment variable.

Projects Built With SourceKitten

SwiftLint: A tool to enforce Swift style and conventions.Jazzy: Soulful docs for Swift & Objective-C.Sourcery: Meta-programming for Swift, stop writing boilerplate code.SwiftyMocky: Framework for mock generation.SourceKittenDaemon: Swift Auto Completions for any Text Editor.SourceDocs: Command Line Tool that generates Markdown documentation from inline source code comments.Cuckoo: First boilerplate-free mocking framework for Swift.IBAnalyzer: Find common xib and storyboard-related problems without running your app or writing unit tests.Taylor: Measure Swift code metrics and get reports in Xcode, Jenkins and other CI platforms.

See More


Running sourcekitten complete --file file.swift --offset 123 or sourcekitten complete --text "0." --offset 2 will print out code completion options for the offset in the file/text provided:

[{ "descriptionKey" : "advancedBy(n: Distance)", "associatedUSRs" : "s:FSi10advancedByFSiFSiSi s:FPSs21RandomAccessIndexType10advancedByuRq_S__Fq_Fqq_Ss16ForwardIndexType8Distanceq_ s:FPSs16ForwardIndexType10advancedByuRq_S__Fq_Fqq_S_8Distanceq_ s:FPSs10Strideable10advancedByuRq_S__Fq_Fqq_S_6Strideq_ s:FPSs11_Strideable10advancedByuRq_S__Fq_Fqq_S_6Strideq_", "kind" : "source.lang.swift.decl.function.method.instance", "sourcetext" : "advancedBy(<#T##n: Distance##Distance#>)", "context" : "source.codecompletion.context.thisclass", "typeName" : "Int", "moduleName" : "Swift", "name" : "advancedBy(n: Distance)"},{ "descriptionKey" : "advancedBy(n: Self.Distance, limit: Self)", "associatedUSRs" : "s:FeRq_Ss21RandomAccessIndexType_SsS_10advancedByuRq_S__Fq_FTqq_Ss16ForwardIndexType8Distance5limitq__q_", "kind" : "source.lang.swift.decl.function.method.instance", "sourcetext" : "advancedBy(<#T##n: Self.Distance##Self.Distance#>, limit: <#T##Self#>)", "context" : "source.codecompletion.context.superclass", "typeName" : "Self", "moduleName" : "Swift", "name" : "advancedBy(n: Self.Distance, limit: Self)"},...]

To use the iOS SDK, pass -sdk and -target arguments preceded by --:

sourcekitten complete --text "import UIKit ; UIColor." --offset 22 -- -target arm64-apple-ios9.0 -sdk /Applications/


Running sourcekitten doc will pass all arguments after what is parsed to xcodebuild (or directly to the compiler, SourceKit/clang, in the --single-file mode).

Example usage

sourcekitten doc -- -workspace SourceKitten.xcworkspace -scheme SourceKittenFrameworksourcekitten doc --single-file file.swift -- -j4 file.swiftsourcekitten doc --module-name Alamofire -- -project Alamofire.xcodeprojsourcekitten doc -- -workspace Haneke.xcworkspace -scheme Hanekesourcekitten doc --objc Realm/Realm.h -- -x objective-c -isysroot $(xcrun --show-sdk-path) -I $(pwd)


Running sourcekitten structure --file file.swift or sourcekitten structure --text "struct A { func b() {} }" will return a JSON array of structure information:

{ "key.substructure" : [ { "key.kind" : "source.lang.swift.decl.struct", "key.offset" : 0, "key.nameoffset" : 7, "key.namelength" : 1, "key.bodyoffset" : 10, "key.bodylength" : 13, "key.length" : 24, "key.substructure" : [ { "key.kind" : "source.lang.swift.decl.function.method.instance", "key.offset" : 11, "key.nameoffset" : 16, "key.namelength" : 3, "key.bodyoffset" : 21, "key.bodylength" : 0, "key.length" : 11, "key.substructure" : [ ], "" : "b()" } ], "" : "A" } ], "key.offset" : 0, "key.diagnostic_stage" : "source.diagnostic.stage.swift.parse", "key.length" : 24}


Running sourcekitten syntax --file file.swift or sourcekitten syntax --text "import Foundation // Hello World" will return a JSON array of syntax highlighting information:

[ { "offset" : 0, "length" : 6, "type" : "source.lang.swift.syntaxtype.keyword" }, { "offset" : 7, "length" : 10, "type" : "source.lang.swift.syntaxtype.identifier" }, { "offset" : 18, "length" : 14, "type" : "source.lang.swift.syntaxtype.comment" }]


Running sourcekitten request --yaml [FILE|TEXT] will execute a sourcekit request with the given yaml. For example:

key.request: source.request.cursorinfokey.sourcefile: "/tmp/foo.swift"key.offset: 8key.compilerargs: - "/tmp/foo.swift"


Most of the functionality of the sourcekitten command line tool is actually encapsulated in a framework named SourceKittenFramework.

If you’re interested in using SourceKitten as part of another tool, or perhaps extending its functionality, take a look at the SourceKittenFramework source code to see if the API fits your needs.

Note: SourceKitten is written entirely in Swift, and the SourceKittenFramework API is not designed to interface with Objective-C.


MIT licensed.

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