SwiftyVIPER - 允许在整个iOS应用程序中轻松使用VIPER架构

网友投稿 562 2022-10-13

SwiftyVIPER - 允许在整个iOS应用程序中轻松使用VIPER架构

SwiftyVIPER - 允许在整个iOS应用程序中轻松使用VIPER架构


SwiftyVIPER allows easy use of VIPER architecture throughout your iOS application.

VIPER Architecture

What is VIPER? Great question! VIPER is a backronym which stands for:


If all of this is totally new for you, check out my running list of VIPER Resources


VIPER Module Templates VIPER Unit Test Templates Simple Module Initialization and Presentation CocoaPods Support Carthage Support


iOS 8.0+ | tvOS 9.0+Xcode 9Swift 4



You can use CocoaPods to install SwiftyVIPER by adding it to your Podfile:

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'use_frameworks!platform :ios, '8.0'def shared_pods pod 'SwiftyVIPER', '~> 1.0'endtarget 'MyApp' do shared_podsendtarget 'MyAppTests' do shared_podsend

To get the full benefits import SwiftyVIPER wherever you import UIKit

import UIKitimport SwiftyVIPER


Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that builds your dependencies and provides you with binary frameworks.

You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:

brew updatebrew install carthage

To integrate SwiftyVIPER into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile:

github "codytwinton/SwiftyVIPER" ~> 1.0

Run carthage update to build the framework and drag the built SwiftyVIPER.framework into your Xcode project.


This is discouraged, but allowed. :D

Download and drop the Source folder in your project.Congratulations!

Usage of SwiftyVIPER

Installing Templates

If you're looking for VIPER architecture templates to use directly within Xcode, you can find these in the /Templates/VIPER folder. Open your terminal and run:


Then, simply run this command in your terminal:

mkdir -p ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates/File\ Templatescp -R Templates/VIPER ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/Templates/File\ Templates

Adding a Module

Once you've installed the VIPER Templates, you're ready to add a module. Select File > New > File or use press ⌘N to bring up the template selector. You'll find the templates at the bottom.

Choose Module for a normal module, Module Storyboard for a normal module that interacts with Storyboards, or Module Tests for a module unit tests template.

![Choice](Assets/Template Choice.png)

Next, choose the Module name. We'll go with Custom.

![Name](Assets/Template Name.png)

This will create 5 files per module:


Don't forget to target your main app. Once you've added the main template, go ahead and add the Unit Test template. Make sure it's the same name! In this case, we'd stay with Custom.

Using SwiftyVIPER

Simply add a new module using the VIPER template. Once done, simply call:

import SwiftyVIPERCustomModule().present(from: self.viewController, style: .coverVertical, completion: nil)

The module will handle the rest, including initializing and attaching all the connections necessary for the Module to show properly.


We would love for you to contribute to SwiftyVIPER, check the LICENSE file for more info. Pull Requests welcome!




Cody Winton – @codytwintonDistributed under the MIT license. See [LICENSE][license-url] for more information.Inspired by ViperMcFlurryREADME edited with StackEdit

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下一篇:使用IDEA创建maven父子工程项目 (图文)

