
网友投稿 730 2022-10-12



Discussion: Use a factory function if you need "virtual behavior" during initialization


If your design wants virtual dispatch into a derived class from a base class constructor or destructor for functions like f and g, you need other techniques, such as a post-constructor -- a separate member function the caller must invoke to complete initialization, which can safely call f and g because in member functions virtual calls behave normally. Some techniques for this are shown in the References. Here's a non-exhaustive list of options:


Pass the buck: Just document that user code must call the post-initialization function right after constructing an object.转移责任:只需说明用户代码在构造对象后必须立即调用初始化后的函数。Post-initialize lazily: Do it during the first call of a member function. A Boolean flag in the base class tells whether or not post-construction has taken place yet.延迟后初始化:在成员函数的第一次调用期间执行此操作。基类中的布尔值标志指示是否进行了后期构造。Use virtual base class semantics: Language rules dictate that the constructor most-derived class decides which base constructor will be invoked; you can use that to your advantage. (See [Taligent94].)使用虚拟基类语义:语言规则规定,最(后,译者注)派生类的构造函数决定将调用哪个基类构造函数;您可以利用它来发挥自己的优势。(请参阅[Taligent94]。)Use a factory function: This way, you can easily force a mandatory invocation of a post-constructor function.使用工厂函数:这样,您可以轻松强制强制调用后构造函数。

Here is an example of the last option:


class B {public: B() { /* ... */ f(); // BAD: C.82: Don't call virtual functions in constructors and destructors /* ... */ } virtual void f() = 0;};class B {protected: class Token {};public: // constructor needs to be public so that make_shared can access it. // protected access level is gained by requiring a Token. explicit B(Token) { /* ... */ } // create an imperfectly initialized object virtual void f() = 0; template static shared_ptr create() // interface for creating shared objects { auto p = make_shared(typename T::Token{}); p->post_initialize(); return p; }protected: virtual void post_initialize() // called right after construction { /* ... */ f(); /* ... */ } // GOOD: virtual dispatch is safe }};class D : public B { // some derived classprotected: class Token {};public: // constructor needs to be public so that make_shared can access it. // protected access level is gained by requiring a Token. explicit D(Token) : B{ B::Token{} } {} void f() override { /* ... */ };protected: template friend shared_ptr B::create();};shared_ptr p = D::create(); // creating a D object

This design requires the following discipline:


Derived classes such as D must not expose a publicly callable constructor. Otherwise, D's users could create D objects that don't invoke post_initialize.诸如D之类的派生类不得公开可调用的构造函数。否则,D的用户可以创建不调用post_initialize的D对象。Allocation is limited to operator new. B can, however, override new (see Items 45 and 46 in SuttAlex05).分配仅限于new运算符。但是,B可以覆盖new(请参见SuttAlex05中的项目45和46)。D must define a constructor with the same parameters that B selected. Defining several overloads of create can assuage this problem, however; and the overloads can even be templated on the argument types.D必须使用与B选择的参数相同的参数定义一个构造函数。但是,定义几个create的重载可以缓解这个问题。甚至可以定义有关参数类型的模板形式重载。

If the requirements above are met, the design guarantees that post_initialize has been called for any fully constructed B-derived object. post_initialize doesn't need to be virtual; it can, however, invoke virtual functions freely.


In summary, no post-construction technique is perfect. The worst techniques dodge the whole issue by simply asking the caller to invoke the post-constructor manually. Even the best require a different syntax for constructing objects (easy to check at compile time) and/or cooperation from derived class authors (impossible to check at compile time).


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