基于Redux的微信小程序状态管理 (Alpha)

网友投稿 575 2022-10-11

基于Redux的微信小程序状态管理 (Alpha)

基于Redux的微信小程序状态管理 (Alpha)


Redux-based State Management for Wechat applet(微信小程序, weapp), to connect Redux store with your weapp's App or Page lifecycles.


# via Githubnpm install xixilive/redux-weapp --save-dev# via npmnpm install redux-weapp --save-dev# via yarnyarn add -D redux-weapp


git clone https://github.com/xixilive/redux-weapp.git \ && cd redux-weapp \ && yarn \ && yarn build


Before trying these demo code snippets, you should/must be experienced in weapp modulize development. 微信小程序模块化开发实践

// Redux storeimport {createStore} from 'redux'//create your Redux storeconst store = createStore(...)

connect to weapp App

import connect from 'redux-weapp'const config = connect.App( store, //to map next state into your app (state) => { // must return an object, which will be passed to onStateChange function return {} }, // to bind dispatch with your action, // and this binding will be injected into your app object. (dispatch) => { // return an object, which can be invoked within app context(this scope). return {} })({ onLaunch(options){}, //..., onStateChange(nextState, prevState, initFlag){ this.setData({...this.data, ...nextState}) }})// construct your appApp(config)

connect to weapp Page

Assume we have a store shape as following:

{ "todos": [ { "title": "String", "complete": "Boolean" } ]}

and we have defined an action creator(FSA) as:

const fetchTodosAction = (status) => ({type: 'FETCH_TODOS', filter: {status}})

Ok, let's connect store to todo-list page.

// import connect from 'redux-weapp'const config = connect.Page( store, //to map next-state into your page (state) => ({todos: state.todos}), // to bind dispatch with your action creators, // and this binding will be injected into your page object (dispatch) => ({ fetchTodos(status = 'inprogress'){ // dispatch an action dispatch(fetchTodosAction(status)) } }))({ onLoad(options){ this.fetchTodos('inprogress') }, onStateChange(nextState, prevState, initFlag){ const {todos} = nextState this.setData({todos}) // to update UI }, // view interactions onTapCompleteTab(){ this.fetchTodos('complete') }, onTapInProgressTab(){ this.fetchTodos('inprogress') }})// construct your pagePage(config)

connect API


//define app connect functionfactory = connect.App( store:ReduxStore, mapStateToProps:Function(state:Object), mapDispatchToProps:Function(dispatch:Function)):Function//build a store-binding app config objectconfig = factory({ onLaunch(options:Object){}, onStateChange(nextState:Object, prevState:Object, initFlag:Any), //...}):Object//launch app with store-binding configApp(config)


//define page connect functionfactory = connect.Page( store:ReduxStore, mapStateToProps:Function(state:Object), mapDispatchToProps:Function(dispatch:Function)):Function//build a store-binding page config objectconfig = factory({ onLoad(options:Object){}, onStateChange(nextState:Object, prevState:Object, initFlag:Any) //...}):Object//start page instance with store-binding configPage(config)

the onStateChange function

// would be called after each concerned state changedonStateChange(nextState:Object, prevState:Object, initFlag:Any):void

initFlag: new feature from redux-weapp@0.2.x, see Changes section for details.

Changes from v0.2.x

connect.App API

removed appLaunchOptions argument from mapState function.

// v0.1.xconnect.App({ store:ReduxStore, mapState:Function(state:Object, appLaunchOptions:Object):Object, mapDispatch:Function(dispatch:Function):Object,})// v0.2.xconnect.App({ store:ReduxStore, mapState:Function(state:Object):Object, mapDispatch:Function(dispatch:Function):Object,})

connect.Page API

removed pageLoadOptions argument from mapState function.

// v0.1.xconnect.Page({ store:ReduxStore, mapState:Function(state:Object, pageLoadOptions:Object):Object, mapDispatch:Function(dispatch:Function):Object,})// v0.2.xconnect.Page({ store:ReduxStore, mapState:Function(state:Object):Object, mapDispatch:Function(dispatch:Function):Object,})

onStateChange callback

add initFlag as the 3rd argument, which could be a string value INIT_SYNC just on the very first dispatch, undefined otherwise.

// v0.1.xonStateChange(nextState:Object, prevState:Object)// v0.2.xonStateChange(nextState:Object, prevState:Object, initFlag:Any)


for weapp App


setup an subscribe listener when onLaunch function called, and the initial store state will be broadcasted.


An inactive listener will be set to active when onShow function has called, and the listener will be called with last state.


An active listener will be set to inactive when onHide function has called.

for weapp Page


setup an subscribe listener when onLoad function called, and the initial store state will be broadcasted.


An inactive listener will be set to active when onShow function has called, and the listener will be called with last state.


An active listener will be set to inactive when onHide function has called.


The listener will be remove when onUnload function has called.

Good luck!

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