是用于开发python Web应用程序的快速,简单的微框架(bottlepy)

网友投稿 935 2022-10-11 是用于开发python Web应用程序的快速,简单的微框架(bottlepy) 是用于开发python Web应用程序的快速,简单的微框架(bottlepy)

Bottle: Python Web Framework

Bottle is a fast, simple and lightweight WSGI micro web-framework for Python. It is distributed as a single file module and has no dependencies other than the Python Standard Library.

Routing: Requests to function-call mapping with support for clean and dynamic URLs.Templates: Fast and pythonic *built-in template engine* and support for mako, jinja2 and cheetah templates.Utilities: Convenient access to form data, file uploads, cookies, headers and other HTTP-related metadata.Server: Built-in HTTP development server and support for paste, fapws3, bjoern, Google App Engine, cherrypy or any other WSGI capable HTTP server.

Homepage and documentation:

Example: "Hello World" in a bottle

from bottle import route, run, template@route('/hello/')def index(name): return template('Hello {{name}}!', name=name)run(host='localhost', port=8080)

Run this script or paste it into a Python console, then point your browser to http://localhost:8080/hello/world. That's it.

Download and Install

Install the latest stable release with pip install bottle or download (unstable) into your project directory. There are no hard dependencies other than the Python standard library. Bottle runs with Python 2.7 and 3.4+.


Code and documentation are available according to the MIT License (see LICENSE).

The Bottle logo however is NOT covered by that license. It is allowed to use the logo as a link to the bottle homepage or in direct context with the unmodified library. In all other cases, please ask first.

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上一篇:elasticsearch源码分析index action实现方式

