Chatto:一个轻量级的Swift框架用来构建聊天应用程序(swift 常用框架)

网友投稿 926 2022-10-11

Chatto:一个轻量级的Swift框架用来构建聊天应用程序(swift 常用框架)

Chatto:一个轻量级的Swift框架用来构建聊天应用程序(swift 常用框架)

Chatto is a Swift lightweight framework to build chat applications. It's been designed to be extensible and performant. Along with Chatto there is ChattoAdditions, a companion framework which includes cells for messages and an extensible input component. You can find more details about how it was implemented in our blog. See them in action!


Calculation of collection view changes and layout in backgroundSupports pagination in both directions and autoloadingMessage count contention for fast pagination and rotation with thousands of messsagesAccessory view revealing by swiping from rightInteractive keyboard dismissalText bubblesPhoto bubblesExtensible input bar

How to use

Check the wiki!

How to install


Make sure use_frameworks! is added to your Podfile. Include the following in your Podfile:

# Swift 5pod 'Chatto', '= 3.6.0'pod 'ChattoAdditions', '= 3.6.0' # if you want to use the cells or the input component

# Swift 4.2pod 'Chatto', '= 3.4.0'pod 'ChattoAdditions', '= 3.4.0' # if you want to use the cells or the input component

# Swift 4pod 'Chatto', '= 3.3.1'pod 'ChattoAdditions', '= 3.3.1' # if you want to use the cells or the input component

# Swift 3pod 'Chatto', '= 3.2.0'pod 'ChattoAdditions', '= 3.2.0' # if you want to use the cells or the input component

# Swift 2.xpod 'Chatto', '= 2.1.0'pod 'ChattoAdditions', '= 2.1.0' # if you want to use the cells or the input component

If you like living on the bleeding edge, you can use the master branch with:

pod 'Chatto', :git => '', :branch => 'master'pod 'ChattoAdditions', :git => '', :branch => 'master'

Run pod install


If you’re using Carthage, simply add Chatto to your Cartfile:

# Swift 5github "badoo/Chatto"

# Swift 2.xgithub "badoo/Chatto" "swift-2"


Clone, add as a submodule or download.Drag and drop Chatto and/or ChattoAdditions project to your workspaceAdd Chatto and/or ChattoAdditions to Embedded binaries


Source code is distributed under MIT license.


Check our colleagues' project Chateau!


Read more on our tech blog or explore our other open source projects

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上一篇:NAppUpdate 为.NET应用程序提供自动更新支持的简单框架(nappupdate类似)
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