
网友投稿 1066 2022-10-10




MassTransit is a free, open-source distributed application framework for .NET. MassTransit makes it easy to create applications and services that leverage message-based, loosely-coupled asynchronous communication for higher availability, reliability, and scalability.

MassTransit is Apache 2.0 licensed.

Getting started with MassTransit

In order to get started with MassTransit, you can have a look at the documentation, which is located at

Simplest possible thing:

install-package MassTransit.RabbitMq

and then:

// Message Definitionclass MyMessage{ public string Value { get; set; }}// Code Snippet for Console Application var bus = Bus.Factory.CreateUsingRabbitMq(sbc =>{ var host = sbc.Host(new Uri("rabbitmq://localhost/"), h => { h.Username("guest"); h.Password("guest"); }); sbc.ReceiveEndpoint(host, "my_queue", endpoint => { endpoint.Handler(async context => { await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync($"Received: {context.Message.Value}"); }); });});using(bus.Start()){ bus.Publish(new MyMessage{Value = "Hello, World."}); Console.ReadLine();}

You will also need to set up RabbitMQ;

Install Erlang using the installer. (Next -> Next ...)Install RabbitMQ using the installer. (Next -> Next ...) You now have a RabbitMQ broker (look in services.msc for it) that you can log into using guest, guest. You can see message rates, routings and active consumers using this interface.

Please note

You need to add the management interface before you can login. First, from an elevated command prompt, change directory to the sbin folder within the RabbitMQ Server installation directory e.g. %PROGRAMFILES%\RabbitMQ Server\rabbitmq_server_3.5.3\sbin\

Next, run the following command to enable the rabbitmq management plugin:

rabbitmq-plugins.bat enable rabbitmq_management


Download from NuGet 'MassTransit' Search NuGet for MassTransit

Download the continuously integrated Nuget packages from AppVeyor.

Supported transports

We support RabbitMQ and Azure Service Bus message brokers.

Mailing list

MassTransit Discuss

Gitter Chat

While attendance is pretty light, there is a Gitter chat room available:

GitHub Issues

Pay attention

Please do not open an issue on github, unless you have spotted an actual bug in MassTransit. If you are unsure, ask on the mailing list, and if we confirm it's a bug, we'll ask you to create the issue. Issues are not the place for questions, and they'll likely be closed.

This policy is in place to avoid bugs being drowned out in a pile of sensible suggestions for future enhancements and calls for help from people who forget to check back if they get it and so on.

Building from Source

Clone the source down to your machine. git clone git:// build.bat


git config --global core.autocrlf falseHack!Make a pull request.


MassTransit is built on AppVeyor


.Net 4.5.2


Logo Design by The Agile Badger

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上一篇:一级棒!这应该是最好的 “re正则表达式” 使用教程了!

