
网友投稿 1834 2022-10-10




Protobuf: 一种轻便高效的结构化数据存储格式,平台无关、语言无关、可扩展,可用于通讯协议和数据存储等领域;

微信小程序: 基于微信平台的小程序

此库意义: 在微信小程序中Function 和 eval 相关的动态执行代码方式都给屏蔽了,以致google官方Protobuf不能正常使用;针对以上问题,修改了dcodeIO 的protobuf.js部分实现方式,以致微信小程序中运行protobuf.js。


1、首先-本代码,将其中weichatPb文件夹加入到你的小程序项目中 2、安装pbjs工具基于node.js,首先安装protobufjs $ npm install -g protobufjs 会出现 /usr/local/lib └─┬ protobufjs@6.8.6 ├── @protobufjs/aspromise@1.1.2 ├── @protobufjs/base64@1.1.2 ├── @protobufjs/codegen@2.0.4 ├── @protobufjs/eventemitter@1.1.0 ├── @protobufjs/fetch@1.1.0 ├── @protobufjs/float@1.0.2 ├── @protobufjs/inquire@1.1.0 ├── @protobufjs/path@1.1.2 ├── @protobufjs/pool@1.1.0 ├── @protobufjs/utf8@1.1.0 ├── @types/long@3.0.32 ├── @types/node@8.9.5 └── long@4.0.0 证明安装成功接着安装 pbjs需要的库 命令行执行下“pbjs”就ok $ pbjs 会出现 -t, --target Specifies the target format. Also accepts a path to require a custom target. json JSON representation json-module JSON representation as a module proto2 Protocol Buffers, Version 2 proto3 Protocol Buffers, Version 3 static Static code without reflection (non-functional on its own) static-module Static code without reflection as a module -p, --path Adds a directory to the include path. -o, --out Saves to a file instead of writing to stdout. --sparse Exports only those types referenced from a main file (experimental). Module targets only: -w, --wrap Specifies the wrapper to use. Also accepts a path to require a custom wrapper. default Default wrapper supporting both CommonJS and AMD commonjs CommonJS wrapper amd AMD wrapper es6 ES6 wrapper (implies --es6) closure A closure adding to protobuf.roots where protobuf is a global --dependency Specifies which version of protobuf to require. Accepts any valid module id -r, --root Specifies an alternative protobuf.roots name. -l, --lint Linter configuration. Defaults to protobuf.js-compatible rules: eslint-disable block-scoped-var, no-redeclare, no-control-regex, no-prototype-builtins --es6 Enables ES6 syntax (const/let instead of var) Proto sources only: --keep-case Keeps field casing instead of converting to camel case. Static targets only: --no-create Does not generate create functions used for reflection compatibility. --no-encode Does not generate encode functions. --no-decode Does not generate decode functions. --no-verify Does not generate verify functions. --no-convert Does not generate convert functions like from/toObject --no-delimited Does not generate delimited encode/decode functions. --no-beautify Does not beautify generated code. --no-comments Does not output any JSDoc comments. --force-long Enfores the use of 'Long' for s-/u-/int64 and s-/fixed64 fields. --force-number Enfores the use of 'number' for s-/u-/int64 and s-/fixed64 fields. --force-message Enfores the use of message instances instead of plain objects. 证明安装成功 3、接下来我们使用pbjs 转换一下.proto文件我们先准备一份awesome.proto文件,内容如下 // awesome.proto syntax = "proto3"; message AwesomeMessage { string awesome_field = 1; // becomes awesomeField } 接下来我们来转换awesome.proto文件 $ pbjs -t json awesome.proto > awesome.json这时我们会得到一个awesome.json文件,内容如下 { "nested": { "AwesomeMessage": { "fields": { "awesomeField": { "type": "string", "id": 1 } } } } }但此时的json文件我们不能直接使用,不过我们可以将json对象取出放到小程序项目当中去,比如在小程序项目中新建一个awesome.js,内容为 module.exports = { "nested": { "AwesomeMessage": { "fields": { "awesomeField": { "type": "string", "id": 1 } } } } }; 4、此时总算到我们使用该文件的时候了,我们在项目中新建一个js文件(需要在项目中require该文件),其内容如下

var protobuf = require('../weichatPb/protobuf.js'); //引入protobuf模块var awesomeConfig = require('./awesome.js');//加载awesome.proto对应的jsonvar AwesomeMessage = AwesomeRoot.lookupType("AwesomeMessage");//这就是我们的Message类var payload = {awesomeField: "我是test1"};var message = AwesomeMessage.create(payload);var buffer = AwesomeMessage.encode(message).finish();console.log("buffer", buffer);var deMessage = AwesomeMessage.decode(buffer);console.log("deMessage", deMessage);


附件中有我的测试demo小程序编辑器打开后,直接在控制台就可以看到我的测试过程,测试代码在testProtocoBuffer.js中。 如果您对于该工具库有更好的提升欢迎提出,如果您在使用中发现bug或者有疑惑也可以反馈,我都会解答的 (^__^) 嘻嘻……

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下一篇:jvm 《六》线程优先级

