CLIFramework - 一个命令行应用程序框架,为构建灵活、简单的命令行应用程序

网友投稿 554 2022-10-10

CLIFramework - 一个命令行应用程序框架,为构建灵活、简单的命令行应用程序

CLIFramework - 一个命令行应用程序框架,为构建灵活、简单的命令行应用程序


CLIFramework is a command-line application framework, for building flexiable, simple command-line applications.

Commands and Subcommands can be registered from outside of an application or your plugins.

Defining a new command is pretty simple, all you need to is declare a class which is inherited from CLIFramework\Command class.


Intuitive command class and option spec command options are supported, powered by GetOptionKit. including long option, short option, required|optional|default value. Hierarchical commands. Automatic help page generation. Automatic zsh completion generator. Automatic bash completion generator. Friendly message when command arguments are not enough. Testable, CLIFramework provides PHPUnit test case for testing the commands in PHP. Argument validation, suggestion, Command Groups HHVM compatible


class CommitCommand extends CLIFramework\Command { public function brief() { return 'brief of bar'; } public function options($opts) { $opts->add('C|reuse-message:','Take an existing commit object, and reuse the log message and the authorship information (including the timestamp) when creating the commit.') ->isa('string') ->valueName('commit hash') // ->validValues([ 'static-50768ab', 'static-c2efdc2', 'static-ed5ba6a', 'static-cf0b1eb']) ->validValues(function() { $output = array(); exec("git rev-list --abbrev-commit HEAD -n 20", $output); return $output; }) ; // Runtime completion by setting up a closure for completion $opts->add('c|reedit-message:','like -C, but with -c the editor is invoked, so that the user can further edit the commit message.') ->isa('string') ->valueName('commit hash') ->validValues(function() { // exec("git log -n 10 --pretty=format:%H:%s", $output); exec("git log -n 10 --pretty=format:%H:%s", $output); return array_map(function($line) { list($key,$val) = explode(':',$line); $val = preg_replace('/\W/',' ', $val); return array($key, $val); }, $output); }) ; $opts->add('author:', 'Override the commit author. Specify an explicit author using the standard A U Thor format.') ->suggestions(array( 'c9s', 'foo' , 'bar' )) ->valueName('author name') ; $opts->add('output:', 'Output file') ->isa('file') ; } public function arguments($args) { $args->add('user') ->validValues(['c9s','bar','foo']); // Static completion result $args->add('repo') ->validValues(['CLIFramework','GetOptionKit']); // Add an argument info expecting multiple *.php files $args->add('file') ->isa('file') ->glob('*.php') ->multiple() ; } public function init() { $this->command('foo'); // register App\Command\FooCommand automatically $this->command('bar', 'WhatEver\MyCommand\BarCommand'); $this->commandGroup('General Commands', ['foo', 'bar']); $this->commandGroup('Database Commands', ['create-db', 'drop-db']); $this->commandGroup('More Commands', [ 'foo' => 'WhatEver\MyCommand\FooCommand', 'bar' => 'WhatEver\MyCommand\BarCommand' ]); } public function execute($user,$repo) { $this->logger->notice('executing bar command.'); $this->logger->info('info message'); $this->logger->debug('info message'); $this->logger->write('just write'); $this->logger->writeln('just drop a line'); $this->logger->newline(); return "Return result as an API"; // This can be integrated in your web application }}

Automatic Zsh Completion Generator

Zsh Completion With Lazy Completion Values:

Bash Completion


See documentation on our wiki

Command Forms

CLIFramework supports many command-line forms, for example:

$ app [app-opts] [subcommand1] [subcommand1-opts] [subcommand2] [subcommand2-opts] .... [arguments]

If the subcommand is not defined, you can still use the simple form:

$ app [app-opts] [arguments]

For example,

$ app db schema --clean dbname$ app gen controller --opt1 --opt2 ControllerName

Subcommand Hierarchy

Commands have methods for stages, like prepare, execute, finish, for a command like below:

$ app foo_cmd bar_cmd arg1 arg2 arg3

The call graph is like:

app->run- app->prepare - foo_cmd->prepare - bar_cmd->prepare - bar_cmd->execute - bar_cmd->finish - foo_cmd->finish- app->finish

Basic Requirement

PHP 5.3


From composer

{ "require": { "corneltek/cliframework": "*" }}

Zsh Completion Generator

example/demo zsh demo > _demosource _demo


Console Prompt (Readline)

simple prompt:

$input = $this->ask("Your name please");

$ php demo.phpYour name please:

prompt and except valid values:

$input = $this->ask("Your name please", array('John', 'Pedro'));

Version Info

CLIFrameword has a built-in --version option, to setup the version info, you can simply override a const in your application class to setup version string:

class ConsoleApp extends CLIFramework\Application{ const NAME = 'YourApp'; const VERSION = '1.2.1';}

This shows:

$ yourapp.php --versionYourApp - version 1.2.1


Please check example/demo.php

$ php example/demo.php


use CLIFramework\ArgumentEditor\ArgumentEditor;$editor = new ArgumentEditor(array('./configure','--enable-debug'));$editor->append('--enable-zip');$editor->append('--with-sqlite','--with-postgres');echo $editor;# ./configure --enable-debug --enable-zip --with-sqlite --with-postgres

Message style formatter

$formatter = new CLIFramework\Formatter;$formatter->format( 'message' , 'green' );

Built-in styles:

'red' => array('fg' => 'red'),'green' => array('fg' => 'green'),'white' => array('fg' => 'white'),'yellow' => array('fg' => 'yellow'),'strong_red' => array('fg' => 'red', 'bold' => 1),'strong_green' => array('fg' => 'green','bold' => 1),'strong_white' => array('fg' => 'white','bold' => 1),

Building Phar Archive file

COMPOSER=tests/fixture/composer.json.phar-test composer installphp example/demo archive --working-dir /Users/c9s/work/php/CLIFramework \ --composer tests/fixture/composer.json.phar-test \ app.phar

Chooser Component

$chooser = new CLIFramework\Chooser;$value = $chooser->choose( "System Options" , array( 'use php-5.4.0' => '5.4.0', 'use php-5.4.1' => '5.4.1', 'use system' => '5.3.0',));

Debug Utilities


use CLIFramework\Debug\LineIndicator;$indicator = new LineIndicator;echo PHP_EOL, $indicator->indicateFile(__FILE__, __LINE__);

ConsoleDebug class

use CLIFramework\Debug\ConsoleDebug;ConsoleDebug::dumpRows($pdo->fetchAll());ConsoleDebug::dumpException($e);

Todos in the next release

provide a easy way to define chained commands inheritable options for subcommands. human readable exception renderer. interact utilities



Download & install Onion from Use Onion to bundle the dependencies: $ onion bundle Run tests, it should pass. Hack hack hack. Run tests. Send a pull request.

How command class register works

CLIApplication is inherited from CommandBase.Command is also inherited from CommandBase.To register a subcommand, we use the addCommand method to register commands or subcommands. The command class is optional, if command class name is omitted, then the addCommand method will try to guess the real command class, and try to load the command class.

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