dragsort- jQuery 框架排序小工具

网友投稿 1364 2022-10-08

dragsort- jQuery 框架排序小工具

dragsort- jQuery 框架排序小工具

dragsort 是一个 JavaScript 文件,允许用户在 jQuery 框架上通过拖拽来来做列表排序。


$("ul").dragsort({ dragSelector: "li", dragEnd: function() { }, dragBetween: false, placeHolderTemplate: "" });$("ul").dragsort("destroy");

dragSelector:The [CSS selector](http://api.jquery.com/category/selectors/) of the elementinside the list item to act as the drag handle. The default is the list itemitself e.g. LI.
dragSelectorExclude:The css selector of the elements inside the dragSelector to not triggerdragsort. The default is "input, textarea".
itemSelector:The css selector of the list items that are moveable. Will only match elementsthat are immediate children of list container. The default is tag name offirst child e.g. LI.
dragEnd:The callback function that will be called after the dragging has ended (onlycalled if the list order has changed). The keyword "this" in function willrefer to list item that was dragged.
dragBetween:Set to "true" if you want to enable the ability to drag between selected listsor to allow dragging of the list item outside of the list for auto scroll. Thedefault is false.
placeHolderTemplate:The html of the place holder for the dragged item. The default is empty listitem e.g."".
scrollContainer:The css selector of the element you want to scroll (i.e. div with overflow setto auto) when the list item is dragged outside the list. The default iswindow.
scrollSpeed:A number that represents the speed that the page will scroll when dragging anitem outside the scroll container, a higher value is faster and a lower valueis slower. Set to 0 to disable scrolling. The default is 5.

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