凸优化:ADMM(Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers)交替方向乘子算法系列之六: L1-Norm Problems

网友投稿 954 2022-10-05

凸优化:ADMM(Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers)交替方向乘子算法系列之六: L1-Norm Problems

凸优化:ADMM(Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers)交替方向乘子算法系列之六: L1-Norm Problems

最近开始对凸优化(convex optimization)中的ADMM(Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers)交替方向乘子算法开始感兴趣,接下来我会写一系列关于ADMM(Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers)交替方向乘子算法的内容。

凸优化:ADMM(Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers)交替方向乘子算法系列之六: L1-Norm Problems

6- L1范式问题(L1-Norm Problems)

ADMM 自然地将飞光滑的 L1 项 与光滑的损失项分离开来,使得计算更有效。这一部分我们主要考虑非并行的 L1-Norm 问题。关于最近的 L1 算法的综述可以参考 [173]

[173] A. Y. Yang, A. Ganesh, Z. Zhou, S. S. Sastry, and Y. Ma, “A Review of Fast l1-Minimization Algorithms for Robust Face Recognition,” arXiv:1007.3753, 2010.

6-1 最小绝对偏差(Least Absolute Deviations )

最小化 ||Ax−b||1 替代 ||Ax−b||22

数据包含较大的离群点时,Least Absolute Deviations(LAD) 通常比 least squares fitting(LSF) 提供一个更鲁棒的拟合 (Least absolute deviations provides a more robust fit than least squares when the data contains large outliers)。

写成 ADMM 形式,

其中 f=0 和 g=||⋅||1, 假设 ATA 可逆, 有

6-1-1 Huber 拟合(Huber Fitting)

Huber Fitting 位于 least squares 和 least absolute deviations 之间,

其中 Huber penalty function ghub :


x-update 和 u-update 和 Least absolute deviations 的一样。

6-2 基追踪(Basis Pursuit)

Basis Pursuit 是一个 等式约束的 L1 最小化问题

[24] 是关于 Basis Pursuit 的一个综述。

写成 ADMM 形式

其中 f 是



其中 Π 是


x-update 展开为

最近提出的 Bregman iterative methods 解决类似 Basis Pursuit 的问题很有效。

For basis pursuit and related problems, Bregman iterative regularization [176] is equivalent to the method of multipliers, and the split Bregman method [88] is equivalent to ADMM [68].

[24] A. M. Bruckstein, D. L. Donoho, and M. Elad, “From sparse solutions of systems of equations to sparse modeling of signals and images,” SIAM Review, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 34–81, 2009. [176] W. Yin, S. Osher, D. Goldfarb, and J. Darbon, “Bregman iterative algorithms for l1-minimization with applications to compressed sensing,” SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 143–168, 2008. [88] T. Goldstein and S. Osher, “The split Bregman method for l1 regularized problems,” SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 323–343, 2009. [68] E. Esser, “Applications of Lagrangian-based alternating direction methods and connections to split Bregman,” CAM report, vol. 9, p. 31, 2009.

6-3 广义 L1正则化损失最小化(General L1 Regularized Loss Minimization)


其中 l 是任意的凸代价函数。

写成 ADMM 形式


In general, we can interpret ADMM for L1 regularized loss minimization as reducing it to solving a sequence of L2 (squared) regularized loss minimization problems.

6-4 Lasso(Lasso)

lasso [156] 是 (6.1)的一个特例,也叫 L1 regularized linear regression。

写成 ADMM 形式


The x-update is essentially a ridge regression (i.e., quadratically regularized least squares) computation, so ADMM can be interpreted as a method for solving the lasso problem by iteratively carrying out ridge regression.

6-4-1 广义Lasso(Generalized Lasso)


其中 F 是一个任意的线性变换。

一个特殊的例子是当 F∈R(n−1)×n 是差异矩阵

和 A =I 时,

写成 ADMM 形式

6-4-2 组 Lasso(Group Lasso)

6-5 稀疏逆协方差选择(Sparse Inverse Covariance Selection)

参考或延伸材料: [1] ​​​Distributed Optimization and Statistical Learning via the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers​​​ [2] ​​​凸优化讲义​​​ [3] ​​​A Note on the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers​​

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