汇编 —— AT&T小练习

网友投稿 1510 2022-10-04

汇编 —— AT&T小练习

汇编 —— AT&T小练习



.section .text.global mainmain: nop pushl $1 pushl $2


[edemon@CentOS workspace]$ gcc -gward -o pushpop pushpop.s [edemon@CentOS workspace]$ gdb pushpop...(gdb) b *main+1Breakpoint 1 at 0x80483ed: file pushpop.s, line 5.(gdb) rStarting program: /home/edemon/workspace/pushpop Breakpoint 1, main () at pushpop.s:55 pushl $1(gdb) p $esp$5 = (void *) 0xbffff4dc(gdb) nmain () at pushpop.s:66 pushl $2(gdb) n0x080483f1 in main ()(gdb) p $esp$6 = (void *) 0xbffff4d4




.section .dataresult: .asciz "the result is %d\n".section .text.globl mainmain: nop movl $2,%eax call func call func call func pushl %eax pushl $result call printf pushl $0 call exitfunc: pushl %ebp movl %esp,%ebp add %eax,%eax movl %ebp,%esp popl %ebp ret


loop指令自动使用ECX寄存器作为计数器,每一次迭代过程中递减并测试这个计数器。 下面的程序用于计算2^5:

# calculate 2^5.section .dataoutput: .asciz "2^5 is %d\n".section .text.global mainmain: movl $4,%ecx movl $2,%ebx myloop: addl %ebx,%ebx loop myloop pushl %ebx pushl $output call printf addl $8,%esp #clear stack movl $0,%ebx movl $1,%eax #sys_exit int $0x80


计算前20位的斐波纳契 代码:

.section .datavalues: .int 1,1#output:# .asciz "num = \n".section .text.globl mainmain: nop movl $0,%ecx loop: movl $0,%eax #eax is next feibo element. add values(,%ecx,4),%eax add $1,%ecx add values(,%ecx,4),%eax add $1,%ecx movl %eax,values(,%ecx,4) sub


[edemon@CentOS workspace]$ gdb feibo1(gdb) b 21Breakpoint 1 at 0x804841a: file feibo1.s, line 21.(gdb) rStarting program: Breakpoint 1, loop () at feibo1.s:2121 nopMissing separate debuginfos, use: debuginfo-install glibc-2.12-1.192.el6.i686(gdb) x/20 &values0x8049684 : 1 1 2 30x8049694 : 5 8 13 210x80496a4: 34 55 89 1440x80496b4: 233 377 610 9870x80496c4: 1597 2584 4181 6765



.section .datastr1: .asciz "1 <= 2." len1 = . - str1str2: .asciz "1 > 2." len2 = . - str2.section .text.global mainmain: movl $1,%ecx movl $2,%edx cmpl %edx,%ecx jle L1 movl $len2,%edx movl $str2,%ecx jmp endL1: movl $len1,%edx movl $str1,%ecx jmp endend: movl $1,%ebx #stdout movl $4,%eax #sys call number for sys_write int $0x80 #call kernel movl $0,%ebx #for exit code movl $1,%eax #sys call number for sys_exit int $0x80

当然,最终的结果是​​1 <= 2​​

long long

AT&T汇编中的​​.quad​​​数据类型对应着​​long long​​​。 例子: 一个quad数组标签,然后进行内存查看。

.section .datavalues: .quad 14,28,-1,90,-60.section .text.global mainmain: nop movl $0,%ebx movl $1,%eax int $0x80


(gdb) x/5d &values0x8049664 : 14 0 28 00x8049674 : -1(gdb) x/10d &values0x8049664 : 14 0 28 00x8049674 : -1 -1 90 00x8049684 : -60 -1(gdb) x/5g &values0x8049664 : 14 280x8049674 : -1 900x8049684 : -60



对于无符号的整数溢出,进位标志carry flag将会被设置成1. 在这种情况下(进位标志carry flag被设置成为1)可以使用jc进行跳转.

.section .text.global mainmain: movl $0,%ebx movb $200,%bl movb $100,%al addb %al,%bl jc overflag int $0x80overflag: movl $0,%ebx int $0x80


(gdb) p $ebx$1 = 200(gdb) n10 addb %al,%bl(gdb) p $ebx$2 = 200(gdb) n11 jc overflag(gdb) p $ebx$3 = 44(gdb) p/t $ebx$4 = 101100

300的二进制表示​​100101100​​​,因为一个字节只有8位,所以只能存储结果​​00101100​​​。多余的那个最大的1直接被舍去了。​​carry flag​​​被设置成1,满足条件进入overflag块。 对于有符号的整数,当出现溢出的情况,相应的溢出标志​​​overflow flag​​​被设置成1。 code:

.section .text.global mainmain: movl $-2147483648,%eax movl $-1,%ebx addl %eax,%ebx jo over int $0x80over: movl $0,%ebx int $0x80


(gdb) p $eax$1 = -2147483648(gdb) p/t $eax$2 = 10000000000000000000000000000000(gdb) n6 addl %eax,%ebx(gdb) p $ebx$3 = -1(gdb) p/t $ebx$4 = 11111111111111111111111111111111(gdb) n7 jo over(gdb) p $ebx$5 = 2147483647(gdb) p/t $ebx$6 = 1111111111111111111111111111111(gdb) nover () at overflag.s:1010 movl $0,%ebx(gdb) n11 int $0x80(gdb) n0x08048403 in


十进制:-2147483648 + -1 = 2147483647二进制:10000000000000000000000000000000 + 11111111111111111111111111111111 = 01111111111111111111111111111111

因为溢出,所以,over flag设置成1,jo满足,跳跃到over块。

long long add

一个long long (quad)是64位,需要两个32位寄存器保存该值。 例子:

val1 EAX EBX +val2 ECX EDX =ans ECX EDX


.section .dataval1: .quad 4000000000val2: .quad 5000000000report: .asciz "the answer is %qd\n" #%qd is just like %lld .section .text.global mainmain: movl val1,%ebx movl val1+4,%eax #register writes as: 4(%val1) movl val2,%edx movl val2+4,%ecx addl %ebx,%edx adcl %eax,%ecx #add calculate includes carry flag. pushl %ecx pushl %edx push $report call printf addl $12,%esp #one instruct spends 4 address value. movl $0,%ebx movl $1,%eax int $0x80#edemon@ubuntu1:~/workspace$ gcc -gward -o exe addtest.s #edemon@ubuntu1:~/workspace$ ./exe#the answer is 9000000000

long long sub

和long long的加法一样,我们需要两个32位寄存器来保存64位整数值。​​sbb resource destination​​​指令在做减法操作的时候还会处理进位标志。 例子:

val1 EAX EBX -val2 ECX EDX =ans ECX EDX

.section .dataval1: .quad -3000000000val2: .quad 4000000000report: .asciz "the answer is %qd\n".section .text.global mainmain: movl val1,%ebx movl val1+4,%eax movl val2,%edx movl val2+4,%ecx subl %ebx,%edx sbbl %eax,%ecx pushl %ecx pushl %edx pushl $report call printf add $12,%esp movl $0,%ebx movl $1,%eax int $0x80#the answer is 7000000000

int int multiply

下面实现100000 * 200000的简单乘法。

.section .dataval1: .int 100000val2: .int 200000ans: .quad 0report: .asciz "the answer is %qd\n".section .text.global mainmain: nop movl val1,%eax mull val2 movl %edx,ans movl %eax,ans+4#pushl ans pushl %edx pushl %eax pushl $report call printf addl $12,%esp pushl $0 call exit# the answer is 20000000000

analyses result:

we use gdb to watch binary expression of ans:(gdb) x/2t &ans0x804a02c: 00000000000000000000000000000100 10101000000101111100100000000000it's equal to 20000000000but interesting fact is,if we push ans, and printf anwser, ./exe:the answer is -5233720230622003196


我们知道-1在计算机中的表示为32个1,右移直接操作该二进制数字。那么-1右移的是怎样的呢,符号位会变化吗? test codes:

#include #include int main(){ int num = -1, i; for(i=0;i<4;i++){ num = num>>1; } printf("%d\n",num); return 0;}

gdb debugs:

[edemon@CentOS workspace]$ gcc -gdwarf-2 -o div div.c[edemon@CentOS workspace]$ gdb divGNU gdb (GDB) Red Hat Enterprise Linux (7.2-90.el6)...(gdb) p/t num$1 = 11111111111111111111111111111111(gdb) n6 for(i=0;i<4;i++){(gdb) p/t num$2 = 11111111111111111111111111111111(gdb) n7 num = num>>1;(gdb) n6 for(i=0;i<4;i++){(gdb) p/t num$3 = 11111111111111111111111111111111(gdb) n7 num = num>>1;(gdb) p/t num$4 = 11111111111111111111111111111111(gdb) n6 for(i=0;i<4;i++){(gdb) n7 num = num>>1;(gdb) n6 for(i=0;i<4;i++){(gdb) n9 printf("%d\n",num);(gdb) n-110 return 0;(gdb) p/t num$5 = 11111111111111111111111111111111

可以看出-1不管右移所少次,数值都是不变的。 我们修改右移变成除以2,再次查看结果.

(gdb) n6 for(i=0;i<4;i++){(gdb) n7 num = num/2;(gdb) p/t num$1 = 11111111111111111111111111111111(gdb) n6 for(i=0;i<4;i++){(gdb) p/t num$2 = 0(gdb) n7 num = num/2;(gdb) cContinuing.0

结果就得到-1/2 = 0的”正确”结果。所以除了效率的差异,>>1和/2有时还会得到不同的结果。


负数在不断左移的过程中会有变小的阶段(符号位仍然等于1),但是最后一定是等于0。 右移时空出来的位用0填充,负数右移时空出的高位用1填充。

7 num = num<<1;(gdb) p/t num$1 = 11111111111111111111111111111111...(gdb) p/t num$37 = 11111000000000000000000000000000(gdb) n7 num = num<<1;...(gdb) n6 for(i=0;i<33;i++){(gdb) p/t num$38 = 11000000000000000000000000000000...(gdb) n6 for(i=0;i<33;i++){(gdb) p/t num$39 = 0



#include #include #include int main(){ double ans = 0; double x; clock_t start,finish; start = clock(); for(x=-1000;x<1000;){ double temp = -x*x/3 + 8; x=x+0.0001; ans = ans>temp?ans:temp; } finish = clock(); printf("max value is %lf, and spent time is %.8lf seconds\n",ans,(double)(finish-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC); return 0;}/*max value is 8.000000, and spent time is 0.26000000 seconds*/


[edemon@CentOS workspace]$ gcc -S -o mydiv.s div.c[edemon@CentOS workspace]$ vim mydiv.s[edemon@CentOS workspace]$ gcc -gdwarf -o mydiv mydiv.s[edemon@CentOS workspace]$ ./mydiv

FPU的控制寄存器使用16位寄存器,前6位是异常标志,第7、8位保留,第9、10位是精度控制位。精度控制位的设置: 00 —— 单精度 01 —— 未使用 10 —— 双精度 11 —— 拓展双精度


.file "div.c" .section .rodata .align 4.LC7: .string "max value is %lf, and spent time is %.8lf seconds\n"precflag: # add .byte 0x7f,0x00 # add .bss # add .lcomm ctrl_regis,2 # add .text .globl main .type main, @functionmain:.LFB0: .cfi_startproc fstcw ctrl_regis # add fldcw precflag # add fstcw ctrl_regis # add leal 4(%esp), %ecx .cfi_def_cfa 1, 0 andl $-16, %esp pushl -4(%ecx) pushl %ebp .cfi_escape 0x10,0x5,0x2,0x75,0 movl %esp, %ebp pushl %ecx .cfi_escape 0xf,0x3,0x75,0x7c,0x6 subl $68, %esp fldz fstpl -16(%ebp) call clock movl %eax, -28(%ebp) fldl .LC1 fstpl -24(%ebp) jmp .L2.L6: fldl -24(%ebp) fchs fmull -24(%ebp) fldl .LC2 fdivrp %st, %st(1) fldl .LC3 faddp %st, %st(1) fstpl -40(%ebp) fldl -24(%ebp) fldl .LC4 faddp %st, %st(1) fstpl -24(%ebp) fldl -16(%ebp) fldl -40(%ebp) fxch %st(1) fucomip %st(1), %st fstp %st(0) jbe .L9 fldl -16(%ebp) jmp .L5.L9: fldl -40(%ebp).L5: fstpl -16(%ebp).L2: fldl .LC5 fldl -24(%ebp) fxch %st(1) fucomip %st(1), %st fstp %st(0) ja .L6 call clock movl %eax, -44(%ebp) movl -44(%ebp), %eax subl -28(%ebp), %eax movl %eax, -60(%ebp) fildl -60(%ebp) fldl .LC6 fdivrp %st, %st(1) subl $12, %esp leal -8(%esp), %esp fstpl (%esp) pushl -12(%ebp) pushl -16(%ebp) pushl $.LC7 call printf addl $32, %esp movl $0, %eax movl -4(%ebp), %ecx .cfi_def_cfa 1, 0 leave .cfi_restore 5 leal -4(%ecx), %esp .cfi_def_cfa 4, 4 ret .cfi_endproc.LFE0: .size main, .-main .section .rodata .align 8.LC1: .long 0 .long -1064353792 .align 8.LC2: .long 0 .long 1074266112 .align 8.LC3: .long 0 .long 1075838976 .align 8.LC4: .long -350469331 .long 1058682594 .align 8.LC5: .long 0 .long 1083129856 .align 8.LC6: .long 0 .long 1093567616 .ident "GCC: (GNU) 4.9.1" .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits


[edemon@CentOS workspace]$ gdb mydiv...(gdb) start...(gdb) n19 fldcw precflag (gdb) x/2t &ctrl_regis0x8049840 : 00000000000000000000001101111111 00000000000000000000000000000000(gdb) n20 fstcw ctrl_regis(gdb) n21 leal 4(%esp), %ecx(gdb) x/2t &ctrl_regis0x8049840 : 00000000000000000000000001111111 00000000000000000000000000000000

设置精度控制位是​​00​​​单精度。 程序新结果: ​​​max value is 8.000000, and spent time is 0.14000000 seconds​​​ 可以发现时间明显减小。不过这是牺牲精度换来的。

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下一篇:微信小程序的10个请求并发限制的优化消息!!!(微信小程序 并发)

