HDU 6041 I Curse Myself (仙人掌图)
There is a connected undirected graph with weights on its edges. It is guaranteed that each edge appears in at most one simple cycle.Assuming that the weight of a weighted spanning tree is the sum of weights on its edges, define V(k) as the weight of the k-th smallest weighted spanning tree of this graph, however, V(k)Please calculate (∑Kk=1k⋅V(k))mod 232
The input contains multiple test cases.For each test case, the first line contains two positive integers n,m(2≤n≤1000,n−1≤m≤2n−3)Each of the next m lines contains three positive integers x,y,z(1≤x,y≤n,1≤z≤106)The last line contains a positive integer K(1≤K≤105)
For each test case, output “Case #x: y” in one line (without quotes), where x indicates the case number starting from 1 and y denotes the answer of corresponding case.
Sample Input
4 31 2 11 3 21 4 313 31 2 12 3 23 1 346 71 2 41 3 23 5 71 5 32 4 12 6 26 4 57
Sample Output
Case #1: 6Case #2: 26Case #3: 493
求一棵无向仙人掌图中前 k
那么我们可以一次通过 dfs 找出所有环,然后存储每个环中的所有边长,此时问题就变成了在 n 个数组中各取一个数,求其和的前 k
PS:在最后求解前 k 大的和时千万不要用 O(n3)
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